Today’s News - Wednesday, December 16, 2009
• Kennicott on DS+R's Hirshhorn balloon: "If it gets built, it will be a whazzat sort of building...thrilling, baffling, confusing and perhaps even troubling."
• Gopnik, on the other hand, worries "there's a real risk that this one 'work' in the Hirshhorn collection could shove aside all the others."
• Rosenbaum offers up even more "upbeat news" about more museum projects that "are alive and kicking."
• A £4.5 billion high-density, development in the U.K. already has notables on board, and "a host more are likely to be appointed."
• Appelbaum explores "an unusual real estate experiment" in Syracuse to build new, green neighborhoods out of the old.
• Dallas can raise millions for arts centers and Calatrava bridges, but lays out an "unwelcome mat out for project to house chronically homeless" (that would be good for more than just the homeless).
• Glancey calls this the "season of humbug and hot air": why don't we "just stop buying ever more junk and stop approving and building so many demeaning and unsustainable projects?"
• More minaret madness: a German group hopes for EU referendum to ban them across all 27 member countries (this gets even scarier - to us, anyway; be sure to read Roger Lewis's commentary in yesterday's newsletter).
• On a brighter note: Kamin says Goettsch's "add-on architecture" is "captivating inside and out...what is striking about the addition is how inevitable it looks."
• Detroit's "striking new transit center" makes the city's "small but woefully car-centered downtown more pedestrian friendly," and is "a visual homage to optimism in turbulent times."
• Santa Monica picks an impressive shortlist to create "one of its most high-profile public projects ever."
• In Miami, "South Beach's funky, forgotten little brother" filled with "simple, snazzy" MiMo architecture takes its place on the National Register of Historic Places.
• The Grand Concourse and other cool places in the Bronx (finally) gains long-overdue historic district status.
• Berkeley loves its mid-century architecture, but has it gone too far in bestowing "hallowed status on a concrete, flat-roofed building loosely linked to Bernard Maybeck"?
• Q&A with artist and architect Kyong Park re: architectural education, his Silk Roads project, and the future for young architects.
• Five designers each take home $50,000 USA Grants.
• Two teams win Amsterdam's Open Fort 400 Competition for redeveloping a docklands zone.
• We are incredibly saddened by the news that I.D. Magazine has folded - one day after the company's employee appreciation day (an almost iconic irony?).
• Call for entries: 1st Annual One Prize Award: Mowing to Growing: A Design Competition for Creating Productive Green Space in Cities.

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Hirshhorn balloon proposal could give Washington's design landscape a lift: If it gets built, it will be a whazzat sort of building...The contrast between the stern and appealing modernist lines of Gordon Bunshaft's 1974 building and the new addition -- designed by...Diller Scofidio + Renfro -- is likely to be thrilling, baffling, confusing and perhaps even troubling. By Philip Kennicott [slide show]- Washington Post |
The Hirshhorn balloon expansion: Will art get squeezed out of the picture? ...there's a real risk that this one "work" in the Hirshhorn collection could shove aside all the others. Our culture's already all about splash and flash and Twitter-length attention spans. By Blake Gopnik -- Richard Koshalek; Diller Scofidio + Renfro- Washington Post |
Not Dead Yet: Museum Building Projects Are Alive and Kicking: In the three days since the NY Times' litany of woe about museum building projects, four institutions released upbeat news. By Lee Rosenbaum -- David Chipperfield; Diller Scofidio + Renfro; Brad Cloepfil/Allied Works Architecture; Rafael Viñoly; Tadao Ando; Renzo Piano [links]- ArtsJournal |
Wirral Waters becomes largest planning application in UK history: ...£4.5 billion build a high-density and partial high-rise development to provide 13,000 homes at Birkenhead Docks on Merseyside...Allford Hall Monaghan Morris (AHMM), HKR, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM), Glenn Howells and Falconer Chester Hall have already worked on the project and a host more are likely to be appointed as the development progresses. [images]- The Architects' Journal (UK) |
Building New Neighborhoods in Syracuse, Using Some Pieces of the Old: It’s an unusual real estate experiment: building materials made of soy flour, lumber from old houses, temperature-neutral architecture and other ideas for affordable homes. By Alec Appelbaum -- Syracuse Center of Excellence; Syracuse University School of Architecture; -Cook+Fox; Architecture Research Office (ARO); Della Valle Bernheimer- New York Times |
Unwelcome mat out for project to house chronically homeless near downtown Dallas: Public financing, neighborhood cooperation and political will are all in short supply in a city that has been able to raise millions for arts projects, a convention center hotel and Calatrava bridges over the Trinity River.- Dallas Morning News |
Season of humbug and hot air: Whatever the extent to which humans are to blame for global warming, we have an age-old, and not just a sudden duty to act as stewards of the planet and its species...why don’t we just stop buying ever more junk and stop approving and building so many demeaning and unsustainable projects? By Jonathan Glancey- BD/Building Design (UK) |
Mosque Madness: German Group Hopes for EU Referendum on Minarets: ...hoping to use a new European Union law to hold a minaret referendum across the 27 member bloc.- Der Spiegel (Germany) |
Add-on architecture: More than a technical achievement or text message display, 300 East Randolph is captivating inside and out...endows the once-squat skyscraper with dramatically improved proportions...What is striking about the addition is how inevitable it looks... By Blair Kamin -- Goettsch Partners [images]- Chicago Tribune |
A Symbol of Progress: Detroit’s striking new transit center takes on even greater significance as the city suffers its most serious economic blow...Rosa Parks Transit Center...part of a larger strategy to make the city’s small but woefully car-centered downtown more pedestrian friendly...a visual homage to optimism in turbulent times. -- Parsons Brinckerhoff; FTL Design Engineering Studio [images]- Metropolis Magazine |
Beach Parking: Santa Monica selected an impressive list of architects, landscape architects, and urban designers to create one of its most high-profile public projects ever: the Palisades Garden Walk and Town Square. -- Peter Walker and Partners; Gehry Partners; James Corner Field Operations; Studio Works; Gustafson Guthrie Nichol; SWA Group [images]- The Architect's Newspaper |
Miami Beach's North Shore district -- and its distinctive Miami Modern buildings -- has been listed in the National Register of Historic Places, a recognition officials hope will spur renovations...cements recognition of the once-derided architectural style that has popularly come to be known as MiMo...simple, snazzy architecture...was fun and all modern. -- Norman Giller; Gerard Pitt; Harry O. Nelson; Gilbert Fein; Allan Shulman- Miami Herald |
The Bronx is on Fire: Landmarks Preservation Commission expands landmarks in the Bronx, names 100th historic district...Part of the reason for this latest round of interest is the Grand Concourse’s centennial, which is being celebrated this year. [images, links]- The Architect's Newspaper |
Berkeley reconsiders landmark status: With more than 300 landmark buildings, Berkeley loves its architecture. But the City Council is ready to tell the landmark commission today that it went too far when it bestowed the hallowed status on a concrete, flat-roofed Berkeley building loosely linked to Bernard Maybeck. -- Phillip L. Coats (1949); David Trachtenberg [image]- San Francisco Chronicle |
Interview with artist and architect Kyong Park by Associate Director of IE School of Architecture Jose María de Churtichaga re: new way of education in architecture, cross cultural trends in his work through his project “the new silk roads,“ and his thoughts for future of young architects. [video]- IE School of Architecture (Madrid) |
Five Designers Win $50,000 USA [United States Artists] Grants -- Neil Denari; Laura Kurgan/Spatial Information Design Lab, Columbia University; Rick Lowe/Project Row Houses; Kate and Laura Mulleavy/Rodarte [slide show]- Architectural Record |
'New York 5' Take Top Prize in Amsterdam's Open Fort 400 Competition for redeveloping docklands zone called Amsterdam North...other winning team was a European group...winning schemes go on exhibit from Dec. 19 to Feb. 27 at Amsterdam's Zuiderkerk. -- Stereo Architects; HWKN; L.E.FT; PARA-project; Phu Hoang Office (with Rachely Rotem Studio); WORKac; Open Frame (Elastik and Mat Studio;, Igor Kebel and Eriko Watanabe; Mika Cimolini; Freek Dech) [link to images]- Architect Magazine |
Devastating news for the design world: After 55 years in publication, I.D. Magazine, America's foremost design publication, has folded...The news came one day after the company's employee appreciation day.- Fast Company |
Call for entries: 1st Annual One Prize Award: Mowing to Growing: A Design Competition for Creating Productive Green Space in Cities; 1st prize: $10,000; registration deadline: March 31, 2010- Terreform ONE |
A Star is Reborn: Fox Oakland Theater and Oakland School for the Arts: A faded movie palace - and the surrounding neighborhood - gets a new lease on life. -- Architectural Dimensions; ELS Architecture and Urban Design; Starkweather Bondy Architecture [images]- ArchNewsNow |

-- Zaha Hadid Architects: MAXXI museum, Rome, Italy
-- Rafael Viñoly Architects: Carrasco International Airport, Montevideo, Uruguay |
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