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Today’s News - Thursday, November 12, 2009

•   Ouroussoff visits Hadid's Maxxi museum and likes what he sees: it "jolts" Rome "back to the present like a thunderclap...proof that this city is no longer allergic to the new" (great slide show, too!).

•   Litt says the "sudden proposal" to site Medical Mart on Cleveland's main mall is "an architectural shocker. But it need not be an architectural stinker" (but even with a solid design team in place, should "a designer with a proven ability to design a global icon" be on board?).

•   A project challenging designers to use research in rethinking design for the homeless: "determine a brief rather than merely to respond to one."

•   Q&A with Paul Morris, FASLA re: the CDC's efforts to fight widespread public health problems through healthy community design: it's a case of "if you build it, they will use it."

•   Nashville [hearts] Hargreaves, first tapped to create a riverfront master plan, now back in town to design projects on both banks of the Cumberland.

•   An in-depth look at the "many lives of Tempelhof Airport: "Berlin's increasingly sophisticated economy of public appropriation and temporary use will begin to work on it for better or worse" (great pix).

•   Hatherley's analysis of Cardiff: "a city confused by its architectural patchwork" that is "badly planned, but still "marvelously rootless and cosmopolitan."

•   Portland's not always successful attempts at design competitions spark "a great debate."

•   An eyeful of a giant "digital cloud" that might "float" above London's skyline (it's made the mayor's shortlist).

•   Mouthfuls on Modernism: Brussat calls it a "cult" and warns "friends don't let friends drive modern architecture" (last week, Salingaros was Moses on the Mount, this week he's Paul Revere).

•   Connecticut takes stock of some of its Modernist buildings: they have their place in history, but "here's hoping we don't save too many of the uglier ones."

•   Saving America's icons of modernist landscapes is preservationists' next big battle "likely to be tougher than the rescue of buildings."

•   Changes to Pittsburgh's Mellon Square sparks architects' debate: "what constitutes a restoration?"

•   How the KPF 'breakaway five' became 65: "the team has an air of confidence about it - a necessary attribute in recession time."

•   More details re: the rescue of Glasgow's Lighthouse (and some under-reported awards).

•   One we couldn't resist (good news is hard to find): 13 "extinct" animals found alive - "a bewildering reminder that when given a chance, life finds a way to survive" (some amazing looking creatures!).


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