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Today’s News - Wednesday, September 9, 2009

•   Weinstein's Words That Build Tip #18: Replace prescriptive words and phrases "etched in stone" with language reflecting a collaborative project in flux (inspired by Maki, no less).

•   Hot off the press release (how could we resist!): an eyeful of the latest Ellerbe Becket/SHoP design for Atlantic Yards arena of "weathered steel and glass" (not your grandfather's airplane hangar, that's for sure - we'll follow the pundits who are sure to follow).

•   Michigan's plans to turn lemons into lemonade: vacant factories reborn as dream factories for the film industry.

•   Viñoly's Battersea plan moves ahead with a new title for the master planner: "architectural filter" (might look a bit odd on a business card).

•   Rosenbaum on the decapitation of "Nouvel's MoMA monster": NYC Planning Dept. likes the design, but the top 200 feet of it don't merit competing with Empire State Building (we'll know the outcome today).

•   Russell cheers arrival of UNStudio pavilion in Battery Park: it "signals a much brighter future for this...potentially glorious edge of Manhattan, for too long held back by bureaucratic foot dragging."

•   Balmond's Weave Bridge opens in Philadelphia: "a piece of trophy architecture with a definite twist."

•   Florida lags behind in green building (all sorts of reasons given).

•   Meanwhile in Denver, green buildings gain trophy tenants (but the "brokers still don't get it").

•   The greatest threat to Venice: plans to create an enormous cargo port that critics say will hasten the city's demise despite the much-touted Moses flood barrier.

•   Perhaps the city should check out ASLA's new Green Infrastructure Resource Guide.

•   Lifson draws out Ando re: the master planner's 2016 Tokyo Olympic bid.

•   Baillieu cautions new RIBA president to pick her battles well.

•   Forbes x 2: World Capitals Of The Future: Move over, New York and Paris; and America's Most Stressful Cities (some of us might beg to differ).

•   An eyeful of the James Dyson Award winner and two runners-ups.

•   Call for entries: Air Force Village Chapel Competition; and California Senior Housing Design Competition.


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