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Today’s News - Wednesday, June 17, 2009

•   A California racetrack bites the dust to make way for a massive development; opponents fear it will only contribute to urban sprawl, "adding nothing of architectural significance to the region" (or remain a pile of dust).

•   A green light for massive Thames Gateway housing project, too.

•   Sudbury, Canada, hopes a new architecture school can revive its flagging downtown and creative culture (Richard Florida called upon to prove it).

•   Portland ponders the price of originality in ongoing saga of the Willamette River bridge - should it soar or not: "maybe that's something for Seattle to try" (hardly encouraging, is it?).

•   No soaring Calatrava in the wings for Atlanta.

•   BD's News Junkie offers a round-up of coverage of "round two in the epic prize fight" Rogers vs. Charles (saves us the trouble - thanks!).

•   Kennicott gives thumbs-up to D.C.'s Old City Hall expansion, including its "little black dress" of an atrium: "a rare, almost pure modernist gesture in a city where large public architecture generally tends to heaviness, compromise and bland decoration."

•   Stanford White's Newport Theater to get a makeover after standing "dusty and silent" for 25 years.

•   Jacobs takes to the High Line to find it actually "outperforms its hype" and "suggests unlimited opportunities for transforming eyesores into assets, for radical adaptive reuse."

•   A new prefab player set to debut a net-zero home and a new business model: marketing to architects and developers rather than end users.

•   A 1950s prefab (with a most interesting parentage) in L.A. restored from the ground up.

•   It will be Silicon Valley meets Notre Dame if the San Francisco 49ers stadium lands in Santa Clara (meaning lots of high-tech and environmental bells and whistles mixed with "a classic football experience").

•   An in-depth profile of the "elusive" Emilio Ambasz.

•   An ode to FLW's Larkin Building, "a monument to an aesthetic urban consciousness in politics and society that was crying out to be born."

•   Morrish takes the dean's mantle at Parsons' School of Constructed Environments.

•   We couldn't resist: plans to rename Sears Tower "have blown up a storm in the Windy City."

•   Invisibility cloaks may move from the realm of Harry Potter to a room near you.

•   A really killer app: iPanic Limbo: compete against other out-of-work architects (and evoke fond memories of clients from Hell).


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