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Today’s News - Thursday, June 11, 2009

•   IIT's new student residence halls will give students control over their environment and generate performance data to be shared beyond the IIT campus.

•   Revisions in landmarks laws have preservationists hopeful and developers fuming in Los Angeles, NYC, and St. Augustine, Fla.

•   France's president has scaled back his grand plans for Paris; focus will be on transportation and housing (not a bad thing).

•   Brussat has a few things for mayors to think about on the eve of the U.S. Conference of Mayors: "Channeled through the ego of the modern architect" the "spread of greed and corruption...might perhaps be most clearly perceived and understood through its most visible symbol - modern architecture" (yikes!).

•   King thinks Emeryville must be doing something right as he discovers "blocks of lavish delight" and a "burst of pure cutting-edge fun" - even with its "scars on full display."

•   A call for leadership from architects and designers to "re-imagine their cities in very directly political ways."

•   Architecture for Humanity is another kind of model for activist architects.

•   DIGMA, a new design industry organization to promote Massachusetts' design industry.

•   Rosenbaum continues her Chicago adventure; this time, it's a "Gehry- Piano smack-down" (each wins points).

•   de Portzamparc explains his personal connection to his new Hergé Museum (great pix).

•   An eyeful (and fly-through) of Wilkinson Eyre's dramatic plans for London's Science Museum - bulges and all.

•   Bose basks in the new West Harlem Piers Park, but suggests an adjacent marine transfer station is now "ripe for repurposing."

•   Glancey doesn't think building tower blocks for wildlife is all that batty of an idea.

•   Russell on the impending re-do of Johnson's landmarked Four Seasons restaurant - "to reveal more of its elegance."

•   Steve Jobs' 8-year campaign to demolish his historic mansion goes back to court - again.

•   London School of Economics picks shortlist for new student center; can you match the architect with the design?

•   No big surprises on Lubetkin Prize shortlist (but you get to match pix with firms here, too).

•   Quite a few surprises on 9th Prime Minister's Better Public Building Award shortlist (no need to guess which firm goes with which pix here).

•   Call for entries: AIAS/Kawneer 2009 Student Design Competition: design a green municipal courthouse.


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