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Today’s News - Friday, April 24, 2009

•   On green jobs and economics: touching a nerve.

•   In Seattle, a call for civic visionaries who think about costs and needs of regional commerce instead of the views from downtown condos.

•   Becker on Chicago's plan to demolish Bauhaus Modernism at Michael Reese: it's "about as far from sound and sustainable as you can get" (great history and pix, too).

•   Rosenbaum rues the sorry sight she finds at University of Iowa's flooded museum and Holl's Art Building (with pix to prove it).

•   Hawthorne and Lubell give (mostly) thumbs-up to L.A.'s newest city park.

•   Economic realities bite: AIA takes "preemptive" measures to control costs (but remains optimistic); and Glasgow architecture students told "not to come back" after summer break ("teach surfing in Australia instead" - do architecture students even know how to surf?).

•   Glancey uses Gehry's spat with Miami planners to look back at some famous architectural spats of the past.

•   Chelsea Barracks brouhaha keeps bubbling: Baillieu warns big hitters behind Rogers' scheme not to be naïve and "seriously misjudge the mood of the public, which thinks the prince is right and that architects are wrong."

•   Is Rogers' plan for Chelsea Barracks good urbanism? Yes, says CABE's MJ Long; no, says architect Alan Baxter.

•   An eyeful of some of Prince Charles's most well-known design spats and triumphs.

•   If you think times are tough now, check out the "ghost buildings" of 1929 that would have changed the face of NYC, but simply vanished.

•   Call for entries - deadline extended: 3rd Annual R+D Awards.

•   Weekend diversions: In case you can't make it to Seoul this weekend, Koolhaas explains the concepts behind his Prada Transformer.

•   In NYC, "Work AC: 49 Cities" at Storefront for Art and Architecture is "stunning in the abstract" and "a chewy exhibit"; and "Vertical Gardens" does an excellent job of demonstrating where green space can exist in cities suffocated by high rises.

•   In D.C., "Pride of Place: Dutch Cityscapes of the Golden Age" is "captivating collection of paintings that is less like a window on cities of the past, and more like a lens, distorting and idealizing its subject in fascinating ways."

•   Page turners: An amusing "grand cornice-and-pediment tour" with the authors of the upcoming, updated edition of the "AIA Guide to New York City."

•   Gisolfi's "Finding the Place of Architecture in the Landscape" proves "constraints imposed by a project's setting are what make it great."

•   "Limited Edition: Prototypes, One-Offs and Design Art Furniture": at last design art has a first-rate primer devoted to it.

•   Documentary "The Greening of Southie": perspective of Boston's Macallen Building from the ground up instead of the drawing board.


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