Today’s News - Monday, April 13, 2009
• ArcSpace brings us Madrid's Herreros Arquitectos' competition-winning design for the Munch Museum in Oslo.
• Zumthor wins the Pritzker! Hawthorne: "the choice seems to buck the idea that architects...ought to be engaged in lifting neighborhoods out of poverty and saving the planet to boot" (with Sinclair/Anderton debate thrown in).
• Kamin's Q&A runs the gamut from winning the prize to the essence of architecture and hope for young architects.
• Lifson: "well done" - and his own Q&A with the master.
• Russell: "The jury took the temperature of the times and concluded that this was not the year to focus on showy bravura."
• Pogrebin: "Winning the Pritzker is a kind of vindication"; and everything else you might want to know directly from the Hyatt Foundation.
• Could Kaplicky's library actually find a home - near Prague's airport? (politics involved, of course.)
• CF Møller dumped from Maritime Museum project (shades of 3XN in Liverpool?).
• When construction budgets are cut, does architecture suffer? (hopefully, no.)
• A tour through Doha's "unrelenting newness" proves that "history is not always the key to a city's charms."
• Rochon cheers new library architecture in Toronto: "In small, thrilling ways, the city's public libraries have become impressive agents of change."
• Dyckhoff cheers - and jeers - St. Pancras station: "a very British mess: creates a romantic mood...but there are some glaring crudities in its modernized look."
• More on Ft. Worth's new Jacobs/Janney parking garage, where you can "leave your car safe in sounds" (and kids love the elevators).
• Never mind the green necklace of NYC's waterfront - Jersey City has big plans of its own (the recession might even help).
• Moore has high hopes that London can reclaim the Thames to "again become the heart - and the pride - of the capital."
• Gellner offers a very thoughtful take on architects' love/hate relationship with CAD: can they become too "constrained by its steely precision"?

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Competition winner: Herreros Arquitectos: Munch Area/Lambda, The Munch Museum, Oslo, Norway |
Swiss architect Peter Zumthor, 65, is 2009 Pritzker laureate: ...the choice seems to buck the idea that architects, to produce truly meaningful work, ought to be engaged in lifting neighborhoods out of poverty and saving the planet to boot...His win is a triumph for the idea of architecture for architecture's sake. By Christopher Hawthorne- Los Angeles Times |
An interview with Peter Zumthor: On the Pritzker Prize, the essence of architecture and hope for young architects. By Blair Kamin [images]- Chicago Tribune |
Peter Zumthor wins 2009 Pritzker Architecture Prize: Well-deserved. By Edward Lifson [interview, images]- Hello Beautiful! (Chicago) |
Swiss Hermit Zumthor Wins $100,000 Pritzker Prize: The jury...took the temperature of the times and concluded that this was not the year to focus on showy bravura. By James S. Russell- Bloomberg News |
Pritzker Prize Goes to Peter Zumthor: ...winning the a kind of vindication. "You can do your work, you do your thing and it gets recognized. This is beautiful." By Robin Pogrebin- New York Times |
The Pritzker Architecture Prize 2009 Laureate: Peter Zumthor [links to images]- The Hyatt Foundation |
Central Bohemia Governor David Rath plans to build Kaplicky's library near Prague airport -- Future Systems- Ceské |
CF Møller dumped from Maritime Museum project: Purcell Miller Tritton replaces concept architect on Greenwich landmark scheme...a case that echoes fellow Danish firm 3XN’s replacement by executive architect AEW on the £68 million Museum of Liverpool.- BD/Building Design (UK) |
Design Culture Adapts to Shrinking Budgets: When construction budgets are cut, does architecture suffer? ...the former period of untrammeled showmanship may be giving way to a new ethos of "responsible innovation."...The challenge, in other words, is to find the poetic within the prosaic. -- Gehry; Ohlhausen DuBois Architects; Studio Tractor; BNIM; Billes Architecture- AIArchitect |
A city in passing: Joshua Hersh experiences Doha’s ‘unrelenting newness’ and realises that history is not always the key to a city’s charms.- The National (Abu Dhabi) |
Reading-room Boom: New library architecture is a clear victory: No longer staid and stodgy...In small, thrilling ways, the city's public libraries have become impressive agents of change, attuned to the needs of a constantly evolving society. By Lisa Rochon -- Ken Fukushima; Makrimichalos Cugini Architects; Matt Strybos Landscape Architects; Rounthwaite, Dick & Hadley; Shoalts & Zaback Architects; ERA Architects- Globe and Mail (Canada) |
St Pancras station: a very British mess: ...typifies Britain: it's a bit of a muddle, has terrible public art and is constantly harking back to its Victorian days...creates a romantic mood mixed with a dash of Brief Encounter but there are some glaring crudities in its modernised look. By Tom Dyckhoff [video]- The Times (UK) |
When parking at the convention center’s new parking garage, designed with an eye toward art, allows you to leave your car safe in sounds...11-story interactive building has its own soundtrack and lighting effects.-- Brent Byers/Jacobs (formerly Carter & Burgess); Christopher Janney [images]- Fort Worth Star-Telegram (Texas) |
The Jersey City Shore: Plans unveiled for rare public park on city's Hudson waterfront: ...working against nascent development interests...Thanks to the recession, the conservancy hopes it may have bought enough time to get the park past the planning stages and into the political ones. -- Starr Whitehouse; nARCHITECTS [images]- The Architect's Newspaper |
Take me to the river: If Boris Johnson’s plans to revive Thames boat services are combined with drive and imagination, London’s artery can again become the heart – and the pride – of the capital...The Thames, as the grandest boundary of all, is also the emblem of London's weakness at acting collectively. By Rowan Moore- Evening Standard (UK) |
Architects and CAD: a love-hate relationship: Despite benefits, freeform designs hard to come by...while CAD has revolutionized the production end of architectural practice, it has done surprisingly little to further the architect's creativity...has introduced a subtle yet unmistakable pressure on architects to design within its own parameters...constrained by its steely precision. By Arrol Gellner- Boston Globe |
Book Review: Tripping Out to London and Paris: Time to become a homebody, shop frugally, eat in, and take two virtual tours led by Sam Lubell. By Sam Hall Kaplan- ArchNewsNow |
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