Today’s News - Thursday, April 9, 2009
• Hume on why Dubai is a poster child for "how not to build a city."
• Sinclair on "the architecture of excess vs. an architecture of relevance" (and Zaha stood him up!).
• Lifson issues a call to save a little-known Mies that even the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency determined "has no real merit."
• Litt puts out a warning for preservationists to keep an eye on Philip Johnson's 1983 Cleveland Play House: it's up for sale and weak preservation laws could put it at risk.
• But he's hopeful Cleveland is closer to completing a 20-year vision for new downtown waterfront.
• King cheers the makeover of a 1955 San Francisco tower: the re-do "swapped dowdy neglect for 'Mad Men' retro chic."
• Groves cheers a long-overdue survey of L.A.'s historic buildings with the aim to "understand what remains on the ground, what has been lost and what might be worth saving from the wrecking ball."
• Brussat is not at all kind to Providence's re-branding efforts: after almost a decade of allowing "ugly modernist buildings" to "snatch defeat from the jaws of victory," it's "shooting its excellent brand in the foot."
• SFMOMA has big expansion plans.
• CABE gets behind Rogers' plans for Chelsea Barracks (though suggests the landscape design needs more work).
• Ouroussoff offers high praise for Polshek's Standard Hotel on the High Line: it's "serious architecture...the kind of straightforward, thoughtfully conceived building that is all too rare in the city today" (great slide show, too).
• Gehry talks about his latest projects, people who copy his work, and why he'll never do a building for Donald Trump.
• Winners all: AJ100 shortlist 2009. - Montreal and NYC designers take the spotlight in Lighting Up the Gesù Ideas Competition. - Trimo Urban Crash international competition honor student design from Slovenia, Italy, and Japan.
• Call for entries: Spark Awards 2009 innovation and design competition.
• We couldn't resist (and neither could Kamin): a roundup of some amusing nicknames for Hadid and van Berkel's Millennium Park pavilions.

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Dubai: How not to build a city: A cross between Vegas and Mississauga, Dubai is in danger of becoming a ruin-in-waiting...Starchitecture is the least of this city's problems...Though there's something undeniably exciting...about the idea of Instant City...this isn't so much a city of the future as a city in denial of the future. By Christopher Hume- Toronto Star |
The Architect's Dilemma: The architecture of excess vs. an architecture of relevance...exercises in object making have come to a crashing halt. For many of us, we couldn't be more thankful...There is immense opportunity for architects to work in the service of humanity rather... By Cameron Sinclair/Architecture for Humanity and Open Architecture Network- Huffington Post |
Urgent! Will Chicago tear down a Mies van der Rohe building? Save the Mies! The public transit organization Metra wants to build a train station on this spot...Illinois Historic Preservation Agency has reportedly determined that the building has no real merit. By Edward Lifson [images, links]- Hello Beautiful! (Chicago) |
Impending sale of Cleveland Play House complex could put Philip Johnson building [1983] at risk: Regardless of who the buyer might be, the potential sale calls to attention how little protection exists for the complex...Anyone who cares about preservation ought to be ready to pick up that banner, when and if the time comes. By Steven Litt [image]- Cleveland Plain Dealer |
Ehrenkrantz Eckstut & Kuhn Architects to be recommended to design Cleveland's new downtown waterfront...completing a 20-year vision for the downtown occupied by scattered warehouses, gravel piles and a pair of cement silos. By Steven Litt -- Van Auken Akins; Moody Nolan; Project for Public Spaces (PPS)- Cleveland Plain Dealer |
Updated 1955 tower respects the past, present: ...100 Montgomery St., a flat-topped edifice of the sort that spawned the city's battles over "Manhattanization" in the 1970s...swapped dowdy neglect for "Mad Men" retro chic... By John King -- Wilbur D. Peugh (1955); Meghan McDermott/Robert A.M. Stern Architects [images]- San Francisco Chronicle |
Los Angeles begins survey of historic buildings: Getty Conservation Institute helps fund pilot studies...In a city long derided for haphazard planning, a lack of appreciation for its own history and occasional dead-of-night demolitions, the survey aims to understand what remains on the ground, what has been lost and what might be worth saving from the wrecking ball. By Martha Groves [links]- Los Angeles Times |
Rebranding Fort Providence: ...with a P. The logo comes with a new slogan that replaces “The Renaissance City” with “The Creative Capital” the early 2000s, the city did a U-turn. Ugly modernist buildings rose to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory...Providence has spent much of the decade shooting its excellent brand in the foot. By David Brussat- Providence Journal (Rhode Island) |
SFMOMA Plans Ahead: Gensler to develop a plan to double the space of its [1995] Mario Botta-designed San Francisco Museum of Modern addition will not alter the 3rd Street view...with its full-height central atrium and cylindrical turret, now considered an icon and anchor in the rapidly developing South of Market district. [image]- The Architect's Newspaper |
Government's architecture watchdog backs Rogers design...opposing Prince Charles's vision for the Chelsea Barracks development...suggested the landscape design required more work... -- Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment/CABE; Rogers Stirk Harbour; Quinlan Terry [links]- Evening Standard (UK) |
Industrial Sleek (a Park Runs Through It): The new Standard Hotel in the meatpacking district, the first of a string of projects linked to the development of the High Line, is serious is the kind of straightforward, thoughtfully conceived building that is all too rare in the city today. By Nicolai Ouroussoff -- Polshek Partnership [slide show]- New York Times |
Conversations with Michael Eisner: Frank Gehry talks about his latest projects, people who copy his work, and why he'll never do a building for Donald Trump...Which of Gehry's works for Disney was inspired by a woman's anatomy? [video]- CNBC |
AJ100 shortlist 2009: Three new categories have been added: Building of the Year, Practice of the Year and Employer of the Year join more established categories such as Fastest-Growing Practice, Highest First-Time Entrant and International Practice of the Year...Winners will be announced 27 May at East Wintergarden in Canary Wharf, London.- The Architects' Journal (UK) |
Lighting Up the Gesù Ideas Competition winners announced -- BCK design/Mathieu Koch/David-Alexandre Côté/Steve Blanchette (Montreal); Martin Labrecque/Jean Laurin (Montreal); James Long/Athena N. Anders (New York City) [images]- Quartier des spectacles/Design Montréal |
Wiiners announced in Trimo Urban Crash international competition for students of architecture: ...cultural stage will be built on-location in Ljubljana, Slovenia, this summer. [images, links]- Trimo Urban Crash (Slovenia) |
Call for entries: Spark Awards 2009 innovation and design competition; early bird deadline (save $$$): April 30; deadline: August 15- Spark |
The shell, the coffee table and more -- top nickname suggestions for the Millennium Park pavilions. By Blair Kamin -- Zaha Hadid; Ben van Berkel /UNStudio [images]- Chicago Tribune |
Book Review: Tripping Out to London and Paris: Time to become a homebody, shop frugally, eat in, and take two virtual tours led by Sam Lubell. By Sam Hall Kaplan- ArchNewsNow |
WORDS THAT BUILD Tip #13: Re-invent Green Communication: Try the spectacular 2-step program to cut fat and reduce telltale signs of greenwash. By Norman Weinstein- ArchNewsNow |

-- Under construction: TEN Arquitectos: Chopo Museum, Mexico City
-- Foster + Partners: Beijing Capital International Airport, Beijing, China |
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