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Today’s News - Friday, March 27, 2009

•   A call for the U.S. government to link housing, transportation, and land use "as a way to drive decisions that lead to productive, sustainable, and inclusive growth."

•   Cheers for China's full-steam-ahead for urban subway systems, but other policies like allowing sprawling new suburbs undermine the benefits of the mass transit boom.

•   Glancey bemoans the lack of craft: "all too many new buildings look and feel like computer drawings," and calls for architects to step away from their computers (time for "slow" architecture to catch on?).

•   Becker tackles the (almost bizarre) saga of Chicago's Burnham memorial competition(s).

•   McDonald on the RIAI Gold Medal shortlist: a "paucity of submissions in the housing category."

•   Russell rambles around Manhattan's new Standard Hotel and likes what he sees: "weirdly in tune with these straitened times" and "stunningly invigorates its motley post-industrial surroundings" straddling the High Line.

•   Glancey finds re-do of Raven Row art gallery "east London architecture at its finest," where the ghosts "have been charmed into submission rather than exorcised" (terrific slide show).

•   Moore marvels at what they've done to the Whitechapel: the redesign "is not a work of expansive cultural machismo, not an iconic monument," and hopes it's a trend: "as there has been an overdose of shiny novelty in recent architecture, it's a welcome adjustment."

•   Q&A with Libeskind: ""Celebrity is a very interesting phenomenon...I hope to contribute something of lasting value, not just a passing fashion."

•   Q&A with Architecture 5¢ founder (we thought it was a cool idea, but the miles of angry comments that follow indicate otherwise - time to chill, guys?).

•   Weekend diversions: King on Jodidio's "Architecture Now! 6": it "speaks to an age of cultural excess...the most resonant buildings are the ones that point toward a more modest future."

•   Kimmelman on Corbu at the Barbican: it's "a large and elegant affair" (great slide show).

•   Dietsch is disappointed by "Maya Lin: Systematic Landscapes" at the Corcoran (has Lin lost her nerve?).

•   Houston's Rice Design Alliance hosts "Small Houses x 9" tours, crammed full of ideas about living.

•   Heathcote hails Brit Insurance Design Awards show: "there is an encouraging lack of star objects here, of design-art" (even the labels are rewarding).

•   Hawthorne on two shows (closing Sunday) that weave L.A. history and urbanism.

•   Smithsonian shows off competition models for New National Museum of African American History and Culture (only until next Friday).

•   Esto does videos (music is nice, too).

•   Earth Hour is tomorrow night: plan to turn out your lights.


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