Today’s News - Wednesday, March 25, 2009
• The green building movement loses two influential and trailblazing architects.
• A Hacker's Manifesto: Architects should stop worrying about scarce stimulus spending, and start wrapping their minds around new technologies that reinvent infrastructure.
• Australia's Gold Medalist warns Adelaide to stop "mindless bickering" if it wants to be a 21st-century city.
• Not all eco-homes look like sci-fi fantasies (faux chimney, anyone?) + link to lots of eco-home stories.
• Next for Dubai's skyline (maybe): a vertical farm that uses seawater.
• High hopes, reported yesterday, for Sydney Opera House makeover not so high anymore.
• Foster tapped for $1 billion Pushkin Museum makeover.
• Goldberger points out some of Palladio's "humbler but more interesting features" (like where best to put farm animals).
• An amusing Q&A with Gehry re: regrets (few), being "Obama-ized," and the demise of favored projects.
• Moriyama garners Canada's Governor General's Award.
• GSA Design Excellence Program honors 18 federal projects.
• Call for entries: Urban SOS: Distressed Cities, Creative Responses student competition.
• AIA adds 15 economic survival sessions to national convention.
• Australian Institute of Architects 2009 National Conference in Melbourne will take a "Parallax" view.
• Tel Aviv centennial celebrations kick off April 1: includes the city's architectural vision for the next 100 years.

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Obituary: Green-Building Movement Loses Two Pioneers, Gail Lindsey and Greg Franta...two influential and trailblazing architects. -- Design Harmony; Rocky Mountain Institute- Architectural Record |
Op-Ed: Infrastructure: A Hacker's Manifesto: Architects should stop worrying about the Obama administration's scarce stimulus spending, and start wrapping their minds around new technologies that reinvent infrastructure. By Kazys Varnelis- The Architect's Newspaper |
Mindless bickering among the public, interest groups and politicians is hindering Adelaide's chance of becoming a city of worldwide acclaim, Australia's top architect has warned...believes there is only a "five-to-10-year" window for Adelaide to be compared with contemporary 21st century cities. -- Ken Maher/Hassell- The Advertiser (Australia) |
Keep it simple: Ecohomes need not look like the fallout from a science-fiction writer's nightmare. Some architects are sticking to traditional values. -- Passiv Haus; Bill Dunster/BedZed/RuralZed; Cathy Hawley; Rogers Stirk Harbour [links]- Guardian (UK) |
Vertical farming with seawater: The next eye-popping construction to grace the Dubai skyline could be a seawater vertical farm...features a soaring spire with pod-like ‘sky-gardens’ branching off to give it an organic feel... -- Studiomobile [images]- Gizmag (Australia) |
PM turns back on Opera House plans: Plans to upgrade the interior of the Sydney Opera House appear doomed after Kevin Rudd baulked at sharing the $1 billion cost with the NSW Government..."I'm not a big fan of this one" would be better spent upgrading transport and health infrastructure. -- Joern Utzon- The Australian |
Norman Foster to reconstruct Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts: ...$US 1billion project is expected to be completed in the next 8 years...jury has chosen the most expensive and long-term project.- Russia Today |
All He Surveyed: How Palladian was Palladio? ...the tradition of reverence that has sprung up around Palladio’s work is in danger of obscuring its humbler but more interesting features...It’s odd to think of history’s most famous architect being as obsessed with animal smells as he was with scale and proportion...Figuring out where to put the farm animals and shaping designs of transcendent beauty were all in a day’s work. By Paul Goldberger- New Yorker |
Q&A: Gehry at 80: A sense of movement and a few he’s been hit by the economy, energized by Obama...and the demise of favored projects, among them Brooklyn's controversial Atlantic Yards.- The Architect's Newspaper |
Architect, filmmaker among Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts winners. -- Raymond Moriyama- |
U.S. General Services Administration recognizes excellence in federal architecture: GSA Design Excellence Program honored 18 projects. -- Morphosis; Moshe Safdie; Hammond Beeby Rupert Ainge; Mack Scogin Merrill Elam; Hodgetts + Fung; Julie Snow; Smith-Miller + Hawkinson; PageSoutherlandPage; Kliment Halsband; OLIN; Bennett Wagnery & Grody; Helix Architecture- Contract magazine |
Call for entries: Urban SOS: Distressed Cities, Creative Responses open student competition; cash prizes; registration deadline: May 15- EDAW |
AIA Adds 15 Economic Survival Sessions to National Convention Programming, April 30-May 2 in San Francisco- American Institute of Architects (AIA) |
Australian Institute of Architects 2009 National Conference: "Parallax" in Melbourne, April 30 - May 2- Australian Institute of Architects (formerly RAIA) |
Tel Aviv centennial celebrations kick off on April 1: ...kickoff event will be the Centennial Conference that will present the architectural vision of Tel Aviv for the next 100 years according to architects from Israel and the world.- Ynetnews (Israel) |
When Your New Job is to Find Your Next Job: Some practical suggestions for opening new doors of opportunities in difficult times. By Marjanne Pearson- ArchNewsNow |

-- Kengo Kuma & Associates: Shiseikan, Kyoto University of Art and Design, Kyoto, Japan
-- Splitterwerk: Frog Queen, Graz, Austria |
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