Today’s News - Thursday, March 19, 2009
• When your new job is to find your next job: Some practical suggestions for opening new doors of opportunities in difficult times.
• More on Grand Paris plans: Glancey is not convinced: "Paris should beware these grand architectural designs&hellipNo single architect can ever right the city's wrongs, or come up with ideal, universal solutions." - "It is fun - very expensive fun," says Rogers. - And Rogers Stirk Harbour's project director talks about its master plan.
• Ouroussoff visits Robin Hood Gardens (an arduous journey), and finds a sad site that could use "an imaginative architect to tackle the entire complex."
• A London post-WW II prefab housing estate saved from the wrecking ball.
• Habitat for Humanity changes focus to meet the demands of a changing economy.
• Rybczynski offers an eyeful of Detroit's beautiful ruins.
• Kamin comes down on plans to build in some of Chicago's open spaces.
• Calys visits an all-too-rare successful development where developer, design team, and the National Park Service collaborated (lessons for the Presidio?).
• Brussat sees the economic crisis as a "perfect storm" for Modernism: "Maybe at last it will sink."
• Some of our favorite scribes answer the question "What is good design?"
• Anderton has a lively conversation about surviving the downturn, creatively (there's hope in Second Life).
• University of North Carolina unveils its next eye-catching building for Charlotte (lots of pix).
• Australian Institute of Architects honors Hassell's Ken Maher with 2009 Gold Medal for Architecture (great slide show).
• Snohetta's Oslo Opera House takes Brit Insurance Design of the Year 2009 in Architecture (Fairey's Obama poster takes overall award).
• Call for entries: Design Trust for Public Space Photo Urbanism 5 Fellowship; and ICSC "Future Image" Architecture Competition to reimagine the shopping center of the future.

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When Your New Job is to Find Your Next Job: Some practical suggestions for opening new doors of opportunities in difficult times. By Marjanne Pearson- ArchNewsNow |
Paris should beware these grand architectural designs: Big plans to redesign Paris must be matched by many smaller ones that allow its existing street life to develop humanely while enhancing its character at the same time...No single architect can ever right the city's wrongs, or come up with ideal, universal solutions. By Jonathan Glancey- Guardian (UK) |
Sarkozy's daring design dreams for a new 'Grand Paris': In the first major redesign effort since Napoleon III, teams of architects offer ideas to reignite the City of Light..."It is fun – very expensive fun" -- Jean Nouvel; Richard Rogers; Roland Castro; Antoine Grumbach; Christian de Portzamparc- Christian Science Monitor |
"Paris is full of huge canyons": Mike Davies of Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners talks to about its masterplan to mend Paris...proposes creating a metropolis that is polycentric, with strong suburban nodes; Comments: Joseph Rykwert, William JR Curtis -- Jean Nouvel; Yves Lion; Christian de Portzamparc; Antoine Grumbach; Roland Castro/l’AUC; MVRDV; LIN; Studio 09 [images]- The Architects' Journal (UK) |
Rethinking Postwar Design in London: Preservationists hold up Robin Hood a signal cultural achievement; the British government has judged it a failure and wants to demolish it...a more meaningful approach would be to allow an imaginative architect to tackle the entire complex...A spirited renovation would be a chance to extend that discourse across generations. By Nicolai Ouroussoff -- Alison and Peter Smithson- New York Times |
Safe as prefabs – Grade II listing preserves second world war relics: Culture department protects handful of 'temporary' homes from the bulldozer on biggest surviving estate in UK...Excalibur... [image, links to images]- Guardian (UK) |
Habitat Adds Demolition to Its Mission: Instead of building homes, Habitat for Humanity is tearing them down in places like Saginaw, Mich...plan to demolish two vacant, dilapidated houses here a week over the next two years. As for creating homes, they will build or refurbish eight houses this year...focus is changing to meet the demands of a changing economy.- New York Times |
Incredible Hulks: Exploring Detroit's beautiful ruins: What makes Detroit unusual is that there are so many of these abandoned hulks...generally surrounded by open land, since their neighbors have long since been demolished. The result is a curiously suburban landscape. By Witold Rybczynski -- Warren & Wetmore ; Edward Lippincott Tilton; Rapp & Rapp (1926); Albert Kahn; John Portman- Slate |
Overbuilding in the parks: Rainbow Beach Park school will mar lakefront open space: When, oh when, will city officials learn that Chicago's open spaces...are supposed to remain open and not be crammed with buildings that have nothing to do with park activity? They just don't get it... By Blair Kamin- Chicago Tribune |
This is how we do it: Cavallo of those all-too-rare developments where developer, design team, and the National Park Service collaborated so well that the retreat center feels lightly inserted into the park. One can only hope that the proposed Presidio developments would take note. By George Calys -- Leddy Maytum Stacy; Architectural Resources Group; Brayton Hughes; Cheryl Barton- San Francisco Examiner |
A perfect storm for modernism: indefatigable changeling of a style that has weathered storms before. Maybe at last it will sink...Will architects abandon the modernist Titanic before it’s too late? The SOS went out in time, but the modernists refuse to abandon ship. By David Brussat -- Frank Gehry; Vincent Scully; Peter Blake; Robert Venturi; Robert A.M. Stern- Providence Journal (Rhode Island) |
What is Good Design? essays by Deyan Sudjic, John Hockenberry, Bruce Sterling, Niels Diffrient, and Karrie Jacobs.- Metropolis Magazine |
DnA/Frances Anderton: Surviving the Downturn, Creatively. One of the new frontiers, it turns out, is designing in Second Life. -- Sam Lubell/The Architect's Newspaper; Danna Sigal/Jackie-Go-Green; Edie Pereira; Earl Parson/Parson Studio Group; Charles Marr/GO Design; Barbara Bestor; Jon Brouchoud- KCRW (Los Angeles) |
UNC Charlotte reveals uptown building design: eye-catching, cantilevered...Center City Building will house the school’s MBA program and Urban Design Studio. -- KieranTimberlak; Gantt Huberman [images]- Charlotte Business Journal |
Gold to the visionary with designs on Sydney: Australian Institute of Architects honoured Ken Maher with its top prize, the 2009 Gold Medal for Architecture -- Hassell [slide show]- Sydney Morning Herald |
Obama Campaign Posters Win Top Prize in U.K. Design Competition: Shepard Fairey poster beat 90 runners-up in the Brit Insurance Design of the Year 2009; Oslo Opera House in Norway, designed by Snohetta won for architecture [links]- Bloomberg News |
Call for entries: Photo Urbanism 5 explore particular qualities of New York City's natural and built environment; open to explores particular qualities of New York City's natural and built environment; deadline: May 15- Design Trust for Public Space |
Call for entries: ICSC "Future Image" Architecture Competition: envision what the architectural innovations of the shopping center of the future will be in 2029 to 2059; deadline: April 20- International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) |
Happy Ending for the Little Beach House That Could: Venturi and Scott Brown watch their Lieb House sail by. By Kristen Richards -- Frederic Schwartz; Inga Saffron [images, links]- ArchNewsNow |

-- Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA): Taipei Performing Arts Centre, Taipei City, Taiwan
-- Sadar Vuga Arhitekti: National Gallery Extension, Ljubljana, Slovenia |
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