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Today’s News - Tuesday, March 17, 2009

•   Moore does not cheer layoffs and "talented architects being thwarted," but he does find a silver lining: "Now it might at last be possible to bury the dread word 'iconic.'"

•   These days it's not just getting work that's getting more difficult; it's getting paid for it.

•   It's not all doom and gloom - especially for niche work; likewise, an IALD Economic Impact Study finds "as many feeling cautiously optimistic as those...who are pessimistic."

•   Amsterdam is a city going green - fast, and garnering global attention.

•   Yudelson warns U.S. and Canada could find themselves behind a (non-green) eight-ball if they don't catch up with European standards.

•   Ouroussoff offers his take on the "Grand Paris" plans: they "may just be the kind of brazen idealism the world needs right now" because the projects "recognize the strong link between urban policy and social equality."

•   WTC progress report: when are they going to build it? Just look up.

•   Pearman has nothing but poetic pearls for Berlin's Neues Museum: it is "an object lesson in timeless architecture. It is extraordinarily good."

•   An eyeful of the shortlist for Art Fund Pavilion at The Lightbox (definitely worth a look).

•   Goldberger gazes on the new Mets and Yankee Stadiums and finds two very different urban animals.

•   King cheers the addition of San Francisco's Tenderloin district to the National Register of Historic Places (it only took 25 years).

•   Kamin updates the status of Chicago's ongoing court battle over the city's landmark law.

•   Russell rues the sad state of landmark churches being left to rot as restoration deals dry up.

•   Davidson on the imminent demise of Greenwich Village's eccentric O'Toole Building: "a sad thing for the NYC's architectural heritage" (and sad that we can't "legislate weirdness").

•   Belmont Freeman pays tribute to Max Borges.

•   A good reason to head to Mumbai on Friday: 361°: The Degree of Difference Design Conference.

•   Two we couldn't resist: the Queens Museum of Art puts every building in New York up for sale (sort of); and Scotland's finest build impressively - with Lego's (lots of extra time on their hands?).

•   Happy St. Patrick's Day! (are we really looking forward to green beer?)


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