Today’s News - Monday, March 16, 2009
• ArcSpace brings us OMA in Taipei, and Vuga in Slovenia.
• We offer our own take on the happy ending for Venturi Scott Brown's little beach house that could (with links to other reports: Saffron x 2 - from the beginning to the end of its journey).
• Ouroussoff on a Stockholm competition that has "done us a major public service" offering "a snapshot of contemporary urban planning ideas" (Novel: "breathtaking"; Foster: "head-scratching"; BIG: "impetuous").
• What of NYC's grand plans now we're in a recession: the administration "has no intention of scaling back its Moses-like ambitions."
• More on "Grand Paris" plans (this one includes links to images by all architects involved).
• Wood takes on his "fifth, biggest and most challenging 'romantic interlude'": transforming another old neighborhood in a Chinese city into a thriving urban center.
• More details re: L.A. Civic Center Park, "envisioned as a connector between government and cultural institutions."
• Starchitects feel the pinch as the boom turns to bust in Spain: "Barcelona's glory fades as city of pioneering designs."
• Litt sheds more light on Cleveland's debate re: new medical mart and convention center proposals (straightening the riverbank perhaps not such a good idea after all).
• The new U.S. mission to the U.N. is only "one of a new generation of hardened U.S. diplomatic outposts."
• Finland picks design for a new embassy building in Tokyo (though economics may put the project "on hold for a bit").
• Glancey is "dazzled" by Berlin's Neues Museum: "an unapologetic modernist can take a major historic building and bring fresh life to it without losing the old fabric, its charm and its ghosts."
• Hawthorne gives (mostly) thumbs-up to Dodgers' Camelback Ranch training camp: "an aesthetic attitude on display that stops well short of extravagance" and a "winningly low-key feel" - despite the big price tag.
• Lewis on the brouhaha re: Apple store in Georgetown: "too much ado" about the design.
• Campbell profiles a young Boston architect shifting to the global stage.
• Winners all: SBIC 2008 Beyond Green High-Performance Building Awards.

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-- Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA): Taipei Performing Arts Centre, Taipei City, Taiwan
-- Sadar Vuga Arhitekti: National Gallery Extension, Ljubljana, Slovenia- ArcSpace |
Happy Ending for the Little Beach House That Could: Venturi and Scott Brown watch their Lieb House sail by. By Kristen Richards -- Frederic Schwartz; Inga Saffron [images, links]- ArchNewsNow |
Bold Plans Prove That a City’s Future Needn’t Be Set in Concrete: The proposals in the competition for the Slussen project, which aims to replace bridges, underpasses and boat locks in Stockholm, offer a snapshot of contemporary urban planning ideas. By Nicolai Ouroussoff -- Jean Nouvel/Habiter Autrement; Norman Foster; BIG; Gert Wingardh; Nyrens Architect [slide show]- New York Times |
After the Bubble: Mayor Michael Bloomberg had grand plans to remake New York City. What will happen to them during a recession? ...long criticized for its lack of cutting-edge architecture, became a destination for celebrity architects...That era is over...administration has no intention of scaling back its Moses-like ambitions. -- Foster; Gehry; Nouvel; Gwathmey; Piano; Stern- New York Times |
Architects reveal plans to redesign Paris: Responses to Sarkozy's vision for a new 'Grand Paris' include a verdant landscape like New York's Central Park, and a system of motorways through the city centre -- Rogers Stirk Harbour; Jean Nouvel/Jean-Marie Dutilheul/Michel Cantal-Dupart; MVRDV/ACS + AAF; Antoine Grumbach; Lin Finn Geipel; AUC, Djamel Klouche; Studio09 Bernardo Secchi Paola Viganò; Christian de Portzamparc; Groupe Descartes; Roland Castro/Castro Denissof Casi [links to slide show, video]- Guardian (UK) |
Another tiandi to 'get it right,' says architect: Shanghai's Xintiandi set the bar (how high is disputed) for renovations of old areas for commercial use and a new audience. Now the architects behind it are working on their most ambitious project to date: Lingnan Tiandi in Foshan, central Guangdong Province. -- Ben Wood Studios- Shanghai Daily |
Civic Center park takes shape in L.A.: The space between downtown’s Music Center and City Hall has long been envisioned as a connector between government and cultural institutions. A 16-acre plot east of Grand Avenue will contain gardens, lawns and performance spaces. -- Rios Clementi Hale Studios [images, links]- Los Angeles Times |
Boom turns to bust for adventurous architecture in Spain as slump bites: Tumbling real estate prices hit prestige projects. Barcelona's glory fades as city of pioneering designs -- Rogers Stirk Harbour; Foster + Partners; Gehry; Hadid; Alejandro Zaera Polo/Foreign Office Architects (FOA)- Guardian (UK) |
Forest City cuts nearly $50 million from its medical mart and convention center proposal: ...the prospect of revitalizing the city's civic core would give the medical mart a visibility and an impact on the city that other sites can't match... By Steven Litt -- Valerio Dewalt Train; HNTB; KA Architects [images, links]- Cleveland Plain Dealer |
Hardened U.S. Embassies Symbolic of Old Fears, Critics Say: impenetrable concrete tower with 30-inch-thick concrete walls and no windows on its first seven floors...the new U.S. mission to the United Nations will offer the most secure diplomatic quarters in of a new generation of hardened U.S. diplomatic outposts. -- Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM); Moore Ruble Yudell; Gwathmey Siegel- Washington Post |
Finland plans for a new Embassy building in Tokyo: "We think we found a good balance between economic demands and architecture"..."Owing to the economic situation in Finland and Japan, it’s probably necessary to put the project on hold for a bit" -- Architects Lahdelma & Mahlamäki Ltd. [images]- Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland |
A rebirth in Berlin: British bombs turned the Neues Museum into a charred wreck. Now British architects have rebuilt it. Jonathan Glancey is dazzled...It shows that an unapologetic modernist can take a major historic building and bring fresh life to it without losing the old fabric, its charm and its ghosts. -- Friedrich August Stüler (1855); David Chipperfield; Julian Harrap- Guardian (UK) |
Big price tag but winningly low-key feel at Dodgers' Camelback Ranch: For the most part...there is an aesthetic attitude on display that stops well short of extravagance. By Christopher Hawthorne -- HKS [images]- Los Angeles Times |
Too Much Ado About Apple Store Design: The Georgetown shows just how difficult it can be to agree about what fits in a historic district...weighing preservation interests against redevelopment interests will require more attention and judgment...But maybe we can reach agreement in less than 18 months and five review meetings. By Roger K. Lewis -- Karl Backus; Bohlin Cywinski Jackson- Washington Post |
Thinking green, going global: What's it like to be a young architect trying to make a career in Boston? We'll take as a case study one very gifted but otherwise not untypical Cambridge architect named Jinhee Park. By Robert Campbell -- Single Speed Design/SsD- Boston Globe |
Winners of the 2008 Beyond Green High-Performance Building Awards -- HOK/Devrouax and Purnell Architects; SHoP Architects; Pickard Chilton; Architerra; SmithGroup; Miller|Hull Partnership; Bohlin Cywinski Jackson; San Francisco Institute of Architecture; Dattner Architects/NYC School Construction Authority [links]- Sustainable Buildings Industry Council (SBIC) |
Q&A: Public Architecture Co-founders John Peterson and John Cary- ArchNewsNow |
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