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Today’s News - Wednesday, March 11, 2009

•   Heathcote's thoughtful take on whether the recession might be bad for architects but good for architecture (with caveats).

•   One reason for the sad state of architects in Iceland: years of unchecked development (everyone should have known better).

•   Hume cheers a new report: "design a city that works for the young is to design a city that works for everyone."

•   London mayor launches Great Spaces initiative that will transform some less well known streets, parks and riverside walks.

•   Hosey thinks architects need to get out more: "How can we embrace nature when we rarely encounter it?"

•   British Columbia is considering a radical new plan for housing the homeless - devised by a Vancouver architect 40 years ago.

•   Another Vancouver architect launches a factory for prefab homes.

•   An impressive shortlist for the new Center for Civil and Human Rights in Atlanta.

•   Alice Tully Hall revamp is a model for Philadelphia's Kimmel Center make-over: make it a building that says come in and stay awhile.

•   King cheers plans to turn San Francisco's Metreon complex inside out, taking a cue from Urbanism 101 and plugging the "metal crate" back into the neighborhood.

•   Chipperfield's Neues Museum may set new standards for reusing war-damaged buildings.

•   Kamin waxes poetic about a mattress company's new HQ that "makes visual poetry out of the prosaic stuff of everyday life" (and pix to prove it).

•   Hume gives three thumbs-up's to University of Waterloo Pharmacy Building: it's "an urban catalyst, an economic generator, and a civic icon."

•   An eyeful of R House, one of Syracuse U.'s From the Ground Up competition winners - the first in the U.S. to meet Passivhaus standards.

•   Rogers' Lloyd's of London building denied landmark listing - some say it's in danger, others disagree (great slide show, too).

•   Levete gets into details about working - and living - with Kaplicky: "My greatest regret is that I didn't make peace with him in life."


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