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Today’s News - Friday, December 12, 2008

•   A tribute to BDP's Nick Terry: "In a profession known for big egos, he was a quiet, unassuming but charming man."

•   Good news/bad news in the reviving Galveston.

•   Hangzhou's lakeside buildings to be chopped in a bid for World Heritage status.

•   Saffron sees a savvy and sophisticated solution in new plan for Philly's Boyd Theater.

•   A surprise pick to design Austin's central library.

•   Hadid's Hoxton Square scheme gets a green light despite English Heritage objection.

•   An eyeful of architecture's new sub-genre: vegitecture.

•   The Prince's Foundation's "eco-excellent" house: the public will like it more than modern designs (not all agree).

•   Hume on the similarities between Toronto and Sydney architectural icons: both "are examples of how we change architecture, then how it changes us."

•   Prince-Ramus gets the Esquire treatment: "The young savior of American is waging a holy war against the sculptors, starchitects, and fey theoreticians" (and saving Louisville, too, it seems).

•   2008 Canadian Architect Awards of Excellence winners announced.

•   AIA honors to Faneuil Hall, Nadel (yay!), and Porter.

•   Call for entries: The Art Fund Pavilion architecture competition.

•   Weekend diversions: "Flip a Strip: New Ideas for Old Malls" in Scottsdale.

•   MoMA's "Pour Your Body Out" is "something joyful and welcoming" (and some strong capsule design exhibitions).

•   Rybczynski and Russell (mostly) raves for Corbu tomes.

•   "The Qutb Complex as a social document" is a "delectable read."

•   We couldn't resist: Netherlands' five-euro coin celebrating Dutch architects is "a stunning bit of graphic design."


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