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Today’s News - Friday, November 21, 2008

•   Arieff expounds on why blue (i.e. water) is the new green.

•   A study points to ways Toronto must step up its efforts if it hopes to achieve the objectives of its green development plan.

•   Buki claims HUD's plan to help the "hardest hit homeowners and neighborhoods needs to weigh efficacy and intelligent intervention - outcomes, not output, or few places will be saved."

•   Steer says that especially in down times, the profession must "still train and keep the right people" and stress that "we are flexible, adaptable and still open for business."

•   Controversy still swirls around Gehry's Tolerance Museum in Jerusalem.

•   Litt reports it's back to the drawing boards to refine Cleveland Institute of Art expansion.

•   It's better news for Beha and Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

•   And for Metropolitan Workshop, tapped to design Libyan conflict museum in Tripoli.

•   Blum plumbs Corner to find out how/why he "has helped reinvent the field of landscape architecture."

•   Dunlop delights in the Fontainebleau's "splendid face-lift."

•   Gough counters counterterrorism competition, asking students to boycott contest that "propagates paranoia" (others agree, but not all).

•   Weekend diversions: a director examines how film uses present-day architecture to portray the future.

•   Mays takes in "Unbuilt Toronto" at ROM; he's amazed, but "the architecture Toronto didn't get deserves more room to breathe."

•   Holl talks about how he uses watercolors, now on view at MoMA, as a springboard toward the creation of architecture (lots of pix!).

•   Heathcote says "Imprint" by Daniel Eatock is filled with "tiny delights" that will 'make you smile and perhaps even change the way you see the city."

•   "Japanese Identities - Architecture between Aesthetics and Nature" by Yuichiro Edagawa is a "unique guidebook" to Japan's cultural heritage.

•   Cameron Diaz joins Architecture for Humanity's Cameron Sinclair Sundance Channel's "Iconoclasts."

•   Three we couldn't resist: The World's Top 10 Ugliest Buildings. - Architects' proposals to redecorate Obama's Oval Office. - Where on Earth...can you pinpoint where these famous (and not so famous) buildings are?


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