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Today’s News - Monday, November 3, 2008

•   ArcSpace brings us the very first, exclusive look at Gehry's master plan to transform the industrial waterfront in Sønderborg, Denmark (lots of pix!).

•   Adam minces no words about the dearth of traditional architecture training in Britain because it's ruled by the "Sect of the Great Mystery" (a.k.a. Modernists).

•   Kamin takes an in-depth look at Chicago's skyline "on the verge of being frozen in place."

•   Foster's U2 tower in Dublin now "the most significant symbol of Ireland's slide into recession."

•   Dark clouds surround Scotland's national design center, The Lighthouse (we hope it finds a silver lining).

•   Dunes be damned: Trump trumps nature and wins approval for £1 billion Scottish golf resort.

•   Campbell gives two thumbs-up's to Yale's "enthusiastically renovated" Rudolph Hall (he's not so kind to the addition).

•   Rochon roils at intentional defacement of Mies benches - not by skateboarders, but as part of a larger "courtyard improvement project."

•   Glancey calls Westfield mega mall "the death of city architecture" (pix prove it - or not - your call).

•   But he finds Piano's Academy of Sciences "an environmental marvel" - it is "somehow classical, modern and organic in one and the same green breath."

•   Cloepfil's arts magnet school in Dallas is "a well-organized and thoughtfully appointed 'factory for the arts'...It's too bad the building itself can't have a little more fun."

•   Pearman on plans for permanent park in London: maybe this Olympic 2012 plan will win the public over.

•   King sees a modest bank branch in Modesto as "a throwback to a time when roadside architecture glowed with pride."

•   Face-lift for the Fontainebleau; "We kept asking ourselves, 'What would Morris do?'"

•   Rockwell tapped to design Academy Awards show: "I think we'll see things never seen before at the Oscars."

•   NYC's skyline glitters with a gentler glow.

•   An Israeli company develops a clean technology to extract water from the air.

•   Call for entries: 2009 Berkeley Prize - 11th Annual Essay Competition.

•   It's election eve - we couldn't resist: Heller's vote for best 2008 campaign, Americans - be sure to VOTE tomorrow!


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