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Today’s News - Monday, October 27, 2008

•   ArcSpace brings us an eyeful of Moneo's Prado Museum in Madrid.

•   For the construction industry, the worst may be over (but good news won't kick in for awhile); the economy is testing Chicago's skyscraper optimism.

•   Flores is an architect, translator, educator, peacemaker "trying to bring order and understanding to chaos" in San Ysidro.

•   Rawsthorn has high praise for social design group Participle using "designers' skills to tackle the urgent social problems."

•   Glancey ponders the future of U.K. housing, wondering if new housing minister is a "style icon or menace."

•   Bayley sees a big future in small designs: "disciplines of pod design gets architecture back to the essence."

•   Adaptable houses should be the wave of the future - if architects and builders can change the way they think about their jobs.

•   Saffron gives thumbs-up to "free-spirited" design of Philadelphia condo project: "It's rare to get such devout environmentalism [LEED Platinum] and good looks in the same package."

•   Gehry gets his Signature Theater (just not at Ground Zero).

•   Montreal looks forward to some "wow" from Andreu; will be "a breath of fresh air for the city's stuffy, insular architectural establishment."

•   KPF and Viñoly take on two medical facilities for Stanford University.

•   Goettsch Partners to design green building for beautiful music at Northwestern University.

•   A few of NYC's most notable architects and their protégés, the "next generation of structural superstars."

•   Dublin firm scoops first World Building of the Year for Milan project.

•   Campbell on the unsung heroes of architectural illustratration, and the 2008 Hugh Ferris Memorial Prize winner.

•   A good reason to head to Philly next week: Re-imagining Cities: Urban Design After the Age of Oil conference.


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