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Today’s News - Tuesday, October 14, 2008

•   Hume studies a new study that says urban planners should let city-building happen on its own.

•   Jenkins vs. Jones: one cheers the "end to the tall cranes"; the other is fed up with the "perpetual bullying of skyscrapers and all who like them" - let's "build our way out of recession - skyward."

•   In Malaysia, two culprits are behind why public architecture is so "dismal."

•   An eyeful of the kilometer-high tower that will "dwarf the Burj Dubai."

•   Russell's riff on Gehry's Princeton library: "as a place to curl up with a laptop - maybe even a book - it's pretty hard to beat."

•   Rose on the need for good architecture for Britain's new nuclear power plants - and a survey of architects who would - and wouldn't design one.

•   Study of ancient desert plants and dwellings turns "conventional models of architecture inside out" and new green building technologies.

•   Campbell comes away from Harvard exhibition of new architecture in Croatia and Slovenia wishing he could recommend it, but "fails visually almost as much as verbally."

•   Diller's TEDTalks: "Architecture is a special effects machine" (fog included).

•   Call for entries: WTO architectural competition: an extension for Centre William Rappard/CWR in Switzerland.

•   We couldn't resist: on the eve of presidential debate, a look at how critical the set and furnishings are (great slide show).

EDITOR'S NOTE: For those who took Columbus Day off, please click "Yesterday's News" - there's a lot, including much on the sterling pick for the Stirling Prize.


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