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Today’s News - Monday, October 13, 2008

•   ArcSpace brings us an eyeful of Morphosis in Madrid: radically different social housing.

•   It's Stirling kind of day for housing: Glancey and Heathcote both surprised and pleased: "What a joy to see innovative public housing beat big-name projects" and "may provide a jolt to unimaginative developers."

•   AJ interviews the winners; and there were other awards as well.

•   Pearman takes in U.K.'s housing theme in Venice: forget the "almost pathological fear" of being London-centric, and it being "a neat and very dour little show" - it is "actually a rather pleasing, straightforward, even refreshing exhibition"; the Scots go for impact.

•   King walks San Francisco waterfront with Gehl, who finds "too little water, and too much of everything else."

•   Kaplan swims through lessons Munich's Isar River reclamation could teach Los Angeles River advocates.

•   A study finds closing streets can actually relieve traffic congestion (and create "fewer opportunities for people to drive like jerks").

•   Saffron calls for more - and better - bike racks as Philadelphia reaches a critical parking shortage for the two-wheeled variety.

•   Libeskind tells Seoul it needs to "shed old notions and really create new neighborhoods and iconic places" if it wants to be a world-class city.

•   Cloepfil feels the heat in NYC.

•   A billionaire from Liechtenstein hopes to build an art museum in Las Vegas.

•   Hawthorne finds Santa Monica College's new theater "a happily, even confidently unresolved piece of architecture," but also "another sign of the growing Balkanization of the L.A. area."

•   Mays is amazed by a Teeple tower: Toronto has never seen anything like it.

•   Ouroussoff oooh's and ahhh's "Tulou: Affordable Housing for China" at the Cooper-Hewitt: "projects as divine as this one are still the exception, not the rule...a rare tenderness for the social and historic fabric of the city."

•   Lewis on why prefab housing works in a museum, but not the marketplace.

•   "Performalism" is "an enthusiastic manifesto" about digital technology with hopes it will be used "to meet the needs of those who simply need a decent place in which to spend their lives."


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