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Today’s News - Wednesday, September 3, 2008

•   Sudjic offers "a menu for the paradise metropolis": one city's smart ideas "only a conference away from infecting all its competitors."

•   An "Opportunities Book" is "an urban plan that rises high above failed promises" for Toronto's suburban towers.

•   Hess cheers the saving of a Neutra, but mourns the probable loss of a shopping center that was 50 years ahead of New Urbanist principles.

•   Heathcote on the "blob of awe and wonder" that is the Natural History Museum's new Darwin Centre in London. - and an eyeful that might (or might not) prove it.

•   Architects learning to master re-cladding of old facades - and fast.

•   Saffron gives a thumbs-up to the restoration and repurposing of a once-dowdy Deco tower, but wonders what they were thinking plunking a "Wal-Mart" on top.

•   Plans to use seawater and solar for greenhouses in the Sahara.

•   In Chicago, SOM to restore (and green) its own 1958 Loop landmark (with Gehry as client).

•   Bangkok architects turn green into gold ("cactus" building worth a look).

•   New life for a Deco behemoth in Jersey City.

•   King gives kudos to effort to map New Deal treasures in California - before they all disappear.

•   Shortlist for RIBA special awards announced.

•   2008 Constructech Vision Award winners.

•   Calls for entries: 2009 Committee on Design Ideas Competition. - Discarded Dreams Mattress Recycling Competition. - 2A International Architectural Students and Young Architects Competition: Du(b)ailities.


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