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Today's News - Tuesday, June 10, 2008

-- Words That Build Tip #3: use language playfully.
-- Risen on the reason today's architects "have even more of an obligation to moral consideration than in the past."
-- Can the Aga Khan award "reconcile modernity and tradition in the Islamic world?"
-- How Scotland can lead the world with visionary approach to planning.
-- If architecture could be grown instead of built, architects and builders would be out of jobs - "unless they, too, evolve."
-- A solar community of net-zero energy homes rises in Roswell, Georgia.
-- Pedestrians to power shopping malls?
-- Lots of opinions about why Robin Hood Gardens should - or shouldn't - be saved.
-- Gallagher questions plans for Detroit's prime recreational space.
-- Russell on the "pleats" and "drapes" heading for NYC's skyline.
-- King gives two thumbs-up's to Ito's first U.S. project: a museum in downtown Berkeley.
-- More on Libeskind's "Ode to Life" in San Francisco.
-- Mayne gets nod for new Orange County museum.
-- Glancey finds "pure elephant bliss" by Foster at the Copenhagen Zoo (pix worth the trip!).
-- Visions for Coney Island still in limbo.
-- Australian architects set to light up Venice.
-- Viñoly on why he was his own worst client.
-- Two we couldn't resist: architects chime in with inventive (and painful) solutions to keep people from climbing NYT tower. -- Would you like the Rogers or Grimshaw on your toast?

World Architecture Festival Awards

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