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Today's News - Friday, May 9, 2008

Words That Build #2: fascinatin' rhythms create a persuasive story for your client.
-- London holds its breath to see if new mayor nixes new towers (and who will be design advisor?).
-- Gardner a bit more positive about Miss Brooklyn's redesign and re-naming (B1 is better?).
-- NYC's Hudson Yards plans hit major snag (oh - the design has been "jettisoned," too).
-- Lessons from Latin America and Rio de Janeiro: integrating low-income communities into their larger urban contexts.
-- California to be home to America's first "one-planet-living community" (good plan; too bad the developer fails to credit the planner).
-- U.K. eco-towns: a supporter and a protester slug it out.
-- Is the drive for sustainability killing architects' creativity? One yes, one no.
-- Was there anything new to learn at anti-terrorism training session?
-- Not good new for Robin Hood Gardens.
-- Irish Georgian Society celebrates 50 years ("pity about the countryside").
-- Glassy re-clads good for energy efficiency, but only sometimes more elegant.
-- A new Brooklyn tower designed to be part of the neighborhood's resurgence.
-- Weekend diversions: A poetic side of Maya Lin on view in San Diego. -- In London: Heathcote finds "Skin + Bones" fascinating (with just a few "niggles"). -- Rogers' show is a "telling display of pure ingenuity" and "something to smile about."
-- In print: "How to be a Happy Architect" (don't enter competitions). -- Why "From a Cause to a Style" and "The Architecture of Happiness" should be read together.

World Architecture Festival Awards

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