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Today's News - Monday, February 25, 2008
ArcSpace brings us a concrete canopy in France, a call for entries to design a virtual (and real) eco-friendly community (full disclosure: yours truly is a juror), and Yeang's new book, Ecodesign. -- Time serves up a biggie on Masdar City (plus Q&A with Foster). -- Two takes on L.A.'s downtown developments: yes, the economy is taking its toll; but no, the sky is not falling. -- Saffron on Philadelphia's need for a skyscraper policy: city needs to decide where they should go. -- Columbia University's expansion plans more than an aesthetic debate. -- Yale plans take traditional cue from Princeton (perhaps with better ornament?). -- Perhaps both should read Heathcote's argument for ornament (it's "well on its way to decriminalization"). -- Becker on Chicago's pitiful landmarking process. -- Shuttleworth re-making a 1950s eyesore on Baker Street. -- Forget Oscar fashions - Dyckhoff offers up what fashionable buildings will be wearing this year. -- Maki making his mark on Astor Place. -- Kaplicky's "Czech hat-trick." -- Glancey spends some quality time with Rogers: he "has just one mission: to make everyone's life more enjoyable." -- Adrian Smith on second chances: "Architecture is an old person's profession." -- Hawthorne is (mostly) impressed with Walker show on suburbia. -- CABE/RIBA speed dating exercise, where "architects tarted themselves around ruthlessly to get work." -- We couldn't resist: a "Pepsi Globe" Ferris wheel for Xanadu. -- And a Southampton pyramid time piece (calendar included).


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-- Serero Architects: Concrete Canopy Auditorium and Movie Theater, Saint Cyprien, France -- Call for entries: Design for an Eco-friendly Community on arcspace Island, Second Life; registration deadline: March 7 -- Book: Ecodesign: A Manual for Ecological Design, by Ken Yeang- ArcSpace |
Renewable Energy: Desert Dreams: Masdar City: a radically innovative development powered entirely by renewable energy...centerpiece of...a multi-billion-dollar project to promote Abu Dhabi...as a hub for alternative energy and sustainability + Norman Foster: Urban Visionary (Q&A)- Time Magazine |
L.A.'s upscale downtown delayed: As the economy takes a toll on plans, observers focus their concern on two mega-projects: Grand Avenue and Park Fifth...More than a third of the approximately 110 residential projects proposed for downtown...have been delayed or put on hold... -- Fran Gehry; Jean Nouvel; Richard Meier- Los Angeles Times |
Downtown Is a Dynamo, and May Well Remain So: ...things are changing rapidly...important to step back and try to grasp the Downtown Los Angeles market with neither undue fear nor irrational exuberance...a community facing challenges, but not one in crisis mode. The sky is not falling.- LA Downtown News |
Developers in the city - Hard to hold 'em down: What the city desperately needs is a skyscraper policy....Stamper Square...comes closest to establishing precedents that Philadelphia can use in the future. By Inga Saffron -- H2L2; Atkin Olshin Schade Architects [images]- Philadelphia Inquirer |
Manhattanville Expansion Raises Questions About Aesthetics: Beyond the glass and steel illustrations of Columbia’s planned Manhattanville buildings is a tension between preserving the aesthetic aspects of the neighborhood and convincing local residents to embrace a modern look. -- Renzo Piano- Columbia Spectator |
Princeton offers cues to college construction: Yale is again ready to take a cue from Princeton and build its new colleges in a traditional manner. But once again, the result will be distinctly Yale. -- Frank Gehry; Demetri Porphyrios; Stan Allen; Robert A.M. Stern- Yale Daily News |
The argument for ornament: Whether we are about to enter a new age of applied tat or of thoughtfully integrated, intellectually substantial ornament is yet to be seen...seems well on its way to decriminalisation. By Edwin Heathcote -- FAT (Fashion Architecture Taste); AOC; Herzog & De Meuron; Zaha Hadid; Tonkin Liu; Jean Nouvel; Sadar Vuga; Evan Douglis- Financial Times (UK) |
The Surreal Thing - Chicago's Broken Landmarking Process: ...the Commission on Chicago Landmarks not only continues to leave many of Chicago's most essential buildings unprotected, it's upending the very definition of what a landmark building is. By Lynn Becker- Repeat (Chicago) |
Make in Britain: Ken Shuttleworth practice's first big scheme is hotbed of people-oriented sustainability...to retain dilapidated former M&S headquarters...55 Baker Street... [images]- Building (UK) |
Heights of fashion in the world of architecture: Gehry to Koolhaas: What will the best-dressed buildings be wearing this year? Follow the guide below for some style pointers. By Tom Dyckhoff- The Times (UK) |
Minskoff works the angles in new Astor Place building: ...plans to raze the existing building and develop a 13-story, 212-foot-tall, mixed-use...new building...lease entitles Cooper Union to participate in the building’s future income. -- Fumihiko Maki [image]- The Villager (NYC) |
Kaplicky bags Czech hat-trick: ...has been signed up to design three key buildings for the historic town of Brno, in his native country the Czech Republic...an eco tower and concert hall for the city, as well as a hotel for a private client. -- Future Systems- Architects' Journal (UK) |
All the world's a playground: Whether he's designing £100m flats or creating affordable housing for all, Richard Rogers has just one mission: to make everyone's life more enjoyable...you get the feeling that he will never stop trying to make this world he dreams of. By Jonathan Glancey- Guardian (UK) |
Sweet new start for architect Adrian Smith: Abu Dhabi green project highlights recent success ..."Architecture is an old person's profession...it takes so long to see and learn from the fruits of one's labor; you get better as you get older." -- Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture- Chicago Tribune |
Exhibition offers new views of suburbia: 'Worlds Away: New Suburban Landscapes' at the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis explores the populist shift outside of the city...top suburban developers...have pretty much decided that architecture -- at least noticeably new or challenging architecture -- is unnecessary. By Christopher Hawthorne -- Teddy Cruz; FAT; LTL Architects; Coen + Partners; Lateral Architecture- Los Angeles Times |
Speed dating for architects and developers: Why CABE organised a speed-dating night in central London to introduce architects struggling to find developers...a fascinating revelation of power play, during which the architects tarted themselves around ruthlessly to get work - or the vague promise of it - from the money men. -- Bill Dunster; Proctor and Matthews; Architecture plb; 11.04 Architects- The Times (UK) |
America’s largest Ferris wheel: 287-foot-tall “Pepsi Globe” will be incorporated into Meadowlands Xanadu [New Jersey]...still somewhat of a minnow on a global scale. [image]- Gizmag (Australia) |
Pyramid selling a landmark to the city: ...Southampton to decide if it wants to be known as the home of "The Solar Pyramid - The World's Tallest Timepiece"...150ft structure say it would be one of the most iconic landmarks in Britain...brainchild of architect Richard Swain and astronomer Robin Catchpole, the project has the backing of the Greenwich Observatory. [image]- Daily Echo (UK) |
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