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Today's News - Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Big plans for Atlanta's Beltline; all that's missing is a big-picture vision - and someone to guide it. -- Mayne joins Dallas's "Pritzker Prize parade" with big museum win. -- Shortlist announced for Mersey Observatory. -- Saffron continues to track Philadelphia preservationists' battle with convention center. -- A dilemma in San Bernardino: save City Hall - an early Pelli - or start from scratch (either way, it won't be cheap). -- Kamin previews Chicago's hot architectural scene. -- Gallagher on Detroit's impending Bilbao moment. -- Nance finds Spertus "slightly cheeky" and the "most selfconsciously iconic structure" since the Pritzker Pavilion (but he likes it). -- Creative thinking goes into a sustainable community center in Sussex. -- Gardner finds Stern's reconstituted Kaufman Center "a contemporary reworking of a thoroughly Brutalist structure" (and not at all what most would expect). -- Why can't Gehry design homes for us common folk? -- MoMA commissions prefabs from a fab group of five. -- An Australian architect moves his 1960s modular, then moves in. -- High hopes to rescue the sprawling Surrealist-inspired garden Las Pozas. -- AIA names 2008 Honor Awards winners. -- Lots of deadlines: EOIs for Birmingham New Street Station. -- Zürich wants to expand a museum and redevelop its Elephant Park. -- 2008 IESNY/IIDA Lumen Awards in lighting design. -- Norden Fund travel/study grant applications.

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