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Today's News - Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Ouroussoff minces no words re: 5 proposals for NYC's Hudson Yards: "This is not how to build healthy cities...As an ideal of urbanism, it is hollow to its core." -- Could an aerotropolis be Detroit's salvation? -- Worries about U.K.'s green belts being "concreted over" for housing. -- More good news coming from New Orleans (more is still needed). -- Phoenix to be home to first "solar city"? (another 300,000 people - just what it needs). -- Jacobs is impressed with London's "utter fearlessness about the new" (some Londoners might question that). -- Berlin: a mecca for starchitects and "Europe's coolest capital." -- Around Manhattan: Russell gives (mostly) thumbs-up to NYT HQ. -- Davidson finds New Museum "sexy and defiant." -- Hagberg's amusing take of the battle on Bond Street: it's Bambi vs. Godzilla. -- America's first mall gets a makeover doesn't impress Cheek. -- Detroit Institute of Arts expansion should have been a "big, glamorous statement" instead of "staid, cautious, almost self-effacing." -- A most amusing interview with Mendes da Rocha: "I am not a futile optimist." -- Blum gets the scoop on SOM's "King of Superstable 150-Story Structures." -- Szenasy wonders if today's deans are up to the task of educating the next generation. -- How could we pass up Scotland's Carbuncle Awards 2008: Plook on the Plinth, Pock Mark Award, and Zit Building Award.

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