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Today's News - Thursday, November 15, 2007
Farrelly takes on Gehl's solutions to "retrofit a city like Sydney to be more people-friendly." -- LEED is not alone: sorting out the green alphabet soups. -- An British engineer calls Glancey on his claim there aren't enough engineers; the problem is a shortfall in "magical conjurers." -- Shortlisted designers present their visions for People's Harbor in Maryland. -- Ouroussoff practically in awe of Nouvel design for MoMA tower (and wonders why profit-driven developer is more architecturally adventurous than museum). -- Adding to an icon: "'Bilbao of its day," Yale's A+A gets a makeover. -- Russell finds 15 Central Park West "lacks the courage of its nostalgic convictions." -- Behnisch will be "leaving his green imprint on Harvard's new campus." -- An Erickson heading for Vancouver skyline. -- King has high hopes for San Francisco's new "artsy oasis." -- Another take on Mayne's San Francisco Federal Building: "a quirky, oversized drive-in movie screen." -- Manhattan's first green school to rise near Ground Zero. -- Foster's U.S. Patent Office glass roof ready for its close-up. -- Finger-pointing on both sides of the pond: Gough takes on English Heritage (is it just sour grapes?); and Stata Center suit getting lots of attention (but it's hardly unique). -- Scotland's Saltire Housing Design Awards 2007 winners announced. -- Two we couldn't resist: China leading the way in weather control. -- Martha Stewart ends squabble over trademarking town name, Katonah.
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Congestion is what urban life is really all about: Cities thrive on crowds, diversity, and high-rise: Can we retrofit a city like Sydney to be more people-friendly? ...The question is how to reinstate some undergrowth, some diverse ground-level life-forms into the monoculture. By Elizabeth Farrelly -- Jan Gehl- Sydney Morning Herald |
Measuring Green: Everybody wants a green building these days...But what, exactly, does all of this mean, and who defines it?...LEED is not alone...UK’s BREEAM...Green Globes... -- SmithGroup; BKSK Architects; Cook + Fox; FXFowle [images]- The Architect's Newspaper (NYC) |
We have more than enough engineers. We need magical conjurers: The real shortfall is in expertise and creativity - people who can help save the planet, says Chris Wise- Guardian (UK) |
Architects present waterfront designs: Committee will select winning team for People’s Harbor mixed-use development in December -- Arel Architects/PageSoutherlandPage; CSD Architects; Devrouax & Purnell Architects; MS&R Architects [link to images]- The Gazette (Maryland) |
Next to MoMA, a Tower Will Reach for the Stars: A new 75-story tower designed by Jean Nouvel promises to be the most exhilarating addition to New York’s skyline in a generation...How did a profit-driven developer become more adventurous architecturally than MoMA, which has tended to make cautious choices in recent years? By Nicolai Ouroussoff [images]- New York Times |
'Bilbao of Its Day' Gets an Overhaul, and an Addition: ...the challenges involved in renovating and adding to an icon of the Brutalist era, Yale University’s 1963 Art & Architecture Building. -- Paul Rudolph; Robert A.M. Stern; Gwathmey Siegel [images]- The Chronicle of Higher Education |
Limestone Condo on Central Park Attracts Big Bucks, Needs Magic: The historic sources that Stern draws on are impeccable...Even with such well-made details, the big picture somehow got lost...For all the dollars and attention, 15 Central Park West lacks the courage of its nostalgic convictions. By James S. Russell -- Robert A.M. Stern; SLCE- Bloomberg News |
Architect Explains Vision for Allston: Stefan Behnisch revealed his philosophy for green design...and how it will extend to his designs for Allston...will be leaving his green imprint on Harvard’s new campus...- The Harvard Crimson |
Developer proud to put Arthur Erickson on city skyline: ...eceived the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada's 2007 Prix du XXe Siecle award for "enduring excellence and national significance to Canadian architecture." An even more tangible and enduring tribute will follow.- Vancouver Sun |
Builder bets newly minted plaza in San Francisco will be an oasis: ...artsy design of the Mint Plaza is no guarantee of long-term success...a developer's wager that the landscape south of Market Street will continue to evolve... By John King -- CMG Landscape Architecture [images]- San Francisco Chronicle |
The State of Mayne's New San Francisco Federal Building: As you drive in the city to or from the Bay Bridge, it rises up like a quirky, oversized drive-in movie screen.- Wall Street Journal |
Ground Zero Neighborhood Welcomes New York's First Green School: ...state is providing the last vacant building site in Battery Park City at no cost to the city...booming residential population in Lower Manhattan has created a high need for additional school space in the area. -- Dattner Architects- Environment News Service (ENS) |
Foster's Wavy Roof Keeps Smithsonian Museums' Courtyard Cool: ...glass specially treated to keep out the summer heat...an acoustic challenge as well -- Spencer de Grey/Foster + Partners; Gustafson Guthrie Nichol- Bloomberg News |
English Heritage fury as Piers Gough says it’s a “bad judge” of architecture: [EH's] Simon Thurley...claimed Gough was motivated by his anger over recent criticism by the heritage body of CZWG projects.- BD/Building Design (UK) |
Gehry, Skanska Point Fingers Over MIT Lawsuit: ...Stata Center lawsuit is attracting considerable attention even outside the architecture and construction community, mainly because of Gehry's name recognition, but it¹s hardly unique.- Architectural Record |
Saltire Housing Design Awards 2007 winners announced: ...a mixture of both public and private housing. -- Reiach and Hall; Anderson Bell Christie; Gordon Murray and Alan Dunlop; Malcolm Fraser Architects; Austin-Smith:Lord; ATA studio; Hypostyle; Elder and Cannon- Archiseek (Scotland) |
China Leads Weather Control Race: Not content to push the edge in cloning, architecture and geological engineering, China's also leaving the rest of the world behind when it comes to controlling the weather.- Wired |
Martha Stewart and her neighbors end squabble: ...bid to trademark the name of their village has been resolved with a compromise: Katonah furniture, OK; Katonah paint, no way.- USA Today |

-- Coop Himmelb(l)au: BMW Welt, Munich, Germany -- Pascal Arquitectos: Mourning House, Mexico City |
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