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Today's News - Tuesday, August 7, 2007

"Amid architectural hyperbole and political buzz," San Francisco gets its first look at 3 (audacious?) designs for Transbay Terminal. -- Time for new strategies to fund transportation projects and cut congestion. -- Not everyone is thrilled with Toronto's bold plans for subway stations. -- Bridges: new ideas and technologies are making them safer and more beautiful than ever. -- Gould on why we should care about good design: "A bad building can stink forever." -- Dyckhoff minces no words about Britain's 10 ugliest buildings and today's "bling brutalism." -- Shanghai World Expo 2010 shortlist for British Pavilion offers 6 teams' visions for "Better City, Better Life." -- Could earthships be the future of housing? -- Q&A with Adjaye: don't call him a starchitect (or please do). -- A bank's newest contribution to architecture. -- John Russell Pope: Gardner hails this "too-soon-forgotten talent"; and a Pope gets help. -- Park(ing) Day goes national. -- Alan Lapidus autobiography "a fascinating read."

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