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Today's News - Thursday, June 21, 2007
We lose a master structural engineer. -- Modern architecture: a "new endangered species." -- Hume on Toronto's cultural renaissance: "creativity has yet to be fully understood at the civic level." -- He's dazzled by Gehry's AGO for reasons you wouldn't expect. -- British developers face squeeze over green standards. -- Kaplicky's Czech library wins U.K. award, while UIA rules design won competition fair and square. -- Young Prague firm shares the secret to its success. -- Q&A with David Rockwell. -- All is now right with Wright school. -- Impressive shortlist for Prime Minister's Better Public Building Award. -- Pearman not at all impressed with "How we built Britain." -- Coming up: Podcast explores how a New Orleans neighborhood plans to become the nation's first zero carbon community. -- Coastal symposium in Barcelona. -- Archidex in Kuala Lumpur. -- How could we resist: Badgers win their 5th "America's Cup of civil engineering." -- Editor's note: we're happy to hear our favorite critic at Newsday, Justin Davidson, is moving to New York magazine as architecture and music critic.

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Obituary: William LeMessurier, 81, Structural Engineer...who became a hero to other structural engineers when he detected and repaired a potentially catastrophic flaw in the Citicorp building in Manhattan...- New York Times |
A new endangered species: Modern architecture: Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library is at the center of a debate on whether such buildings are worth saving...costly to maintain and...more costly to retrofit with green technology. -- Mies van der Rohe; Paul Rudolph; Marcel Breur; Kallman, McKinnell and Knowles- Christian Science Monitor |
The impressive new buildings are only a beginning: Toronto's Cultural Renaissance is well underway...will it lead to a second wave of cultural works that will bring new depth to the arts in Toronto? By Christopher Hume- Toronto Star |
Gehry's AGO will dazzle for the right reasons: ...return to Toronto also marks his return to architecture. ...Though he has made no secret of his exasperation with Toronto conservatism, perhaps it turned out a blessing in disguise...its subtlety and quiet perfection mark it as a minor masterpiece. By Christopher Hume- Toronto Star |
Developers face squeeze over green standards: ...may have to accept lower margins, as they will probably be unable to pass on the higher cost of meeting environmental construction standards- Building (UK) |
Kaplicky's library design wins award at A. J. Bovis Award British Royal Academy of Arts Summer Exhibition...Czech architecture studios complained...about an alleged failure...to meet the [library] competition conditions...IUA [International Union of Architects] said the competition was correct and confirmed Kaplicky as the winner. -- Future Systems- Prague Daily Monitor |
From drinking buddies to architecture partners: Prague's 4a architekti shares the secret to its success- The Prague Post |
Q&A: David Rockwell: "I think I'm in the post-tomato phase of my life."- Express (Washington, DC) |
Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture in Scottsdale regains full accreditation for its bachelor's and master's degree programs.- Arizona Republic |
Shortlist for the 2007 Prime Minister’s Better Public Building Award Announced: What these 18 outstanding projects show is that the best public building is now at the cutting edge of sustainable design. -- DSDHA; White Design; Feilden Clegg Bradley; Penoyre & Prasad; WHAT_architecture; Pringle Richards Sharratt; Allies and Morrison; RyderHKS; etc. [images]- CABE (Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment, UK) |
Book review: Smooth drivetime architecture: what's wrong with "How we built Britain" by David Dimbleby...He writes fluently, if a little stiffly...if you seek insight, look elsewhere. By Hugh Pearman- HughPearman.com (UK) |
A Perfect Storm: How one New Orleans neighborhood [Holy Cross] is struggling to rebuild – and become the nation’s first zero carbon community...first North American webcast to focus on sustainable rebuilding efforts: Thursday, June 28, 2 to 4 pm (CST) -- Bob Berkebile/BNIM Architects; Charles Allen III/Tulane/Xavier Center for Bioenvironmental Research; Dave Macaulay- zerocarbonNOLA.org |
Intelligent Coast International Symposium: “Tourism XXL. The European Megalopolis”; CCCB /Center of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona July 19-21- Intelligent Coast |
Archidex 07: 8th Malaysia Architecture, Interior Design and Building Exhibition in Kuala Lumpur July 5-8- Malaysian Institute of Architects (PAM) |
Engineering Students from the University of Wisconsin-Madison Win 20th Annual National Concrete Canoe Competition in Seattle...the ‘America’s Cup of Civil Engineering’- American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) |

kk Letter: Stopover in Beijing: The "egg," the "twisted doughnut," the "watercube," the "bird's nest," and many other constuction sites are buzzing with workers to be ready for the 2008 Olympics... -- Pei; Scheeren/OMA; PTW; Herzog & de Meuron; Holl; Lab Architecture Studio; Andreu |
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