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Today's News - Wednesday, June 20, 2007
It's a merger: call it RMJM Hillier (at least in North America). - Nobel wonders if we're entering a new era of "anti-starchitect chic" (we doubt it). - It's a Manhattan waterfront kind of day: Hockenberry on how Studios created a Diller interior in Gehry's "glass Schooner." - Ouroussoff's take on 5 designs for Governors Island: "strangely subdued...you long for a grander breadth of vision, for someone to step into Olmsted's shoes." - Stars collaborate for a vision for Midotwn's East River waterfront. - Things don't look so rosy along the Hudson River. - Rybczynski ruminates on why there's been so little presidential interest in architecture. - In Edinburgh, crumbling 1960s housing to be replaced with green-roofed homes. - An eyeful of notable new library projects. - Museums may be taking center stage, but some find "life after expansion is not always easy." - A BusinessWeek special report on cutting-edge design. - Winners announced in inaugural ULI European Student Urban Design Competition. - Webb's new book looks at the "maverick community" of Venice, CA. - Two we couldn't resist: Is a plan to dump iron dust into the ocean really a way to combat global warming? - Add to your lexicon: an eco-lexical eco-spasm for the modern eco-age.

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It’s Official: RMJM Acquires Hillier- Architectural Record |
Anti-Starchitecture Chic: What’s a budding celebrity architect to do when the winds of change begin shifting away from fame? Consider for a moment the plight of the stars... By Philip Nobel- Metropolis Magazine |
Diller, Gehry, and the Glass Schooner on 18th Street: How Studios Architecture navigated between the world’s most demanding client and the world’s most famous architect. By John Hockenberry [images]- Metropolis Magazine |
Competing Visions for Governors Island: ...the five proposals hold clues to what’s right and wrong about how public space is designed...thoughtful approaches...still fall short of the sweeping ambition ...We are mostly left with good intentions. By Nicolai Ouroussoff -- Hargreaves Associates/Michael Maltzan Architecture; Field Operations/Wilkinson Eyre; REX/MDP; WRT/Urban Strategies; Diller Scofidio + Renfro/Rogers Marvel/West 8/Quennell Rothschild/SMWM- New York Times |
A Vision for Midtown Manhattan's East River Waterfront -- Ken Smith; Ricardo Scofidio; Margie Ruddick; Kate Orff/SCAPE Studio; Brian Jencek/Hargreaves Associates [images, links]- Municipal Art Society of New York (MAS) |
Hudson River Park project threatened: The 550-acre park...is the largest open-space development in Manhattan since Central Park...Only 40% of the park is complete, and another $130 million is needed to finish it...- Crain's New York Business |
Builder in Chief: FDR shaped the Pentagon. Why haven't more presidents taken an interest in architecture? ...perhaps the time when presidents had less personal and more civic-minded hobbies is past. By Witold Rybczynski- Slate |
Grass roofs in as crumbling homes turfed out: Grass-roofed homes and new parkland will replace crumbling 1960s housing in the latest stage of a £50 million regeneration project...when hundreds of new homes are built in Hyvots and Moredun. -- Assist Architects; Gray Marshall & Associates [image]- Edinburgh Evening News |
2007 Notable Projects: Libraries -- TEN Arquitectos; Antoine Predock; David Chipperfield; OMA|LMN; Patkau Architects; Richärd + Bauer; Marble Fairbanks; Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects [images]- Architype |
Good start an elusive art: ...life after expansion is not always easy... By Mary Voelz Chandler -- Libeskind; Ando; Piano; Allied Works; Holl- Rocky Mountain News (Denver) |
Special Report: Cutting Edge Design; Pushing the Boundaries of Design; Thinking Outside the Design Box; A New Shape for Recycling [articles, slide shows]- Business Week |
Hafencity University and IREBS University Regensburg Team Wins Inaugural ULI European Student Urban Design Competition: ...proposed a sustainable approach to the redevelopment of a 57.9-hectare site in Rothenburgsort in the district of Hamburg-Mitte... [links]- Urban Land Institute (ULI) |
Book review: Innovation in paradise: "Venice, CA Art + Architecture in a Maverick Community" by Michael Webb, photographs by Juergen Nogai...Venice could be looked at as a sort of ongoing un-juried competition... -- Frank Gehry; David Hertz; Steven Ehrlich- Los Angeles Times |
U.S. blasts plan to dump iron dust in sea to absorb CO2: Proposal to boost plant life not a proven tactic to combat global warming, officials say- Ottawa Citizen (Canada) |
Preposterous Prefix Parables: An eco-lexical eco-spasm for the modern eco-age- Grist Magazine |

kk Letter: Stopover in Beijing: The "egg," the "twisted doughnut," the "watercube," the "bird's nest," and many other constuction sites are buzzing with workers to be ready for the 2008 Olympics... -- Pei; Sheeren/OMA; PTW; Herzog & de Meuron; Holl; Lab Architecture Studio; Andreu |
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