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Today's News - Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Huxtable's eloquent reflection on the Glass House: "You can't reinvent Philip Johnson." -- Is there any hope for Breuer's Cleveland tower? -- Plans to ring the U.K. with a coastline footpath for ramblers. -- It's take-two for Turner Contemporary in Margate (add to the footpath itinerary?). -- A high-five for the best of the New York Five. -- Is a new Nouvel headed for Manhattan skyline? (developer "wants to be sure that it gets Nouvel when it hires Nouvel"). -- San Francisco landmark makeover is a reminder that "buildings aren't timeless works of art." -- A Chicago building remade a la universal design and green to boot. -- Ohr O'Keefe debris put to good use. -- RIBA International Award winners in U.S., Yemen, and Australia. -- QE2 to retire to a Dubai's Palm Jumeirah (where else?). -- Berlin bunkers uncovered (now what to do with them?). -- Mackintosh's final triumph is a must-see. -- A tribute to Eames, his revolutionary chair, and democratic design (not that all can afford it). -- We couldn't stop tooling around "New New York: Fast Forward" exhibition now on the web. -- Steampunk: ya gotta see these wondrous whimsies of "retro-futurism." -- Ancient Rome in 3-D. -- Yet another call to rebuild the Twin Towers (let this be the last, please!).

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Reflections on the Glass House: You can't reinvent Philip Johnson...To say the decisions that have been made...are sensitive and enlightened does not begin to do the process justice; this is an innovative and important preservation breakthrough arrived at after rigorous thought and study. By Ada Louise Huxtable- Wall Street Journal |
New Focus on a Forlorn Cleveland Tower: Marcel Breuer...built only one skyscraper, the 29-story Cleveland Trust Tower...a plan to demolish the tower, and replace it with a midrise government office building, has caused an outcry among architectural preservationists...- New York Times |
Coastline access plan unveiled: Government wants to open footpath for walkers around entire 9,040 miles of UK coastline.- Guardian (UK) |
Chipperfield unveils Turner Contemporary design for Margate: ...scheme replaces Snøhetta Spence’s project...abandoned last year after costs rose to an estimated £48 million. The new scheme is budgeted at £17.4 million [images]- BD/Building Design (UK) |
The Best of ‘The New York Five': And then there is Charles Gwathmey, who, together with...Robert Siegel, has achieved what may be the most sustained and consistent success of all. By James Gardner -- Gwathmey Siegel & Associates; John Hejduk; Michael Graves; Richard Meier- New York Sun |
Hines + Nouvel = More MoMA: After a fierce and very hush-hush competition among five world-leading architects, Jean Nouvel has been chosen to design a new 60-plus story tower in the heart of Midtown Manhattan. -- Diller Scofidio + Renfro; Morphosis; Reiser and Umamoto; Grimshaw- The Slatin Report |
It's amazing what they can do with face-lifts these days: ...450 Sutter St...key ingredients in a three-year restoration of this thoroughly San Franciscan gem...the makeover is a reminder that buildings aren't timeless works of art, even the memorable ones. By John King -- Timothy Pflueger (1928); Architectural Resources Group (ARG) [images]- San Francisco Chronicle |
User-friendly Access Living Building optimizes disabled access: ...built with "universal design" in mind, meaning it was built to be user-friendly for people with and without disabilities (the building is environmentally friendly to boot). -- LCM Architects- Chicago Tribune |
Recycled Material Goes From Hurricane Piles To Construction Sites: The debris sits on the site where the Ohr O'Keefe Museum of Art was about 50 percent complete before Katrina...several pieces of that complex are being recycled in an east Biloxi rebuilding project.- WLOX (Biloxi, MS) |
RIBA International Awards Announced -- Steven Holl (2!); Bligh Voller Nield; JCY Architects; Design Engine Architects; David Chipperfield; Grimshaw/Grimshaw Jackson; Foster + Partners- Interior Design Newswire |
QE2 heads to luxury retirement home in Dubai: ...to become a floating hotel...berthed at one of the piers at Palm Jumeirah- Guardian (UK) |
Hitler bunkers revealed - real and virtual: Speer's military academy buried under hill of rubble...equivalent to 400,000 buildings - was poured on top, along with grass-seed, and so the Teufelsberg was born. -- Unterwelten/Underworlds [image]- Guardian (UK) |
A house you simply must see: Ellis Woodman strongly recommends a visit to 78 Derngate, Northampton, Charles Rennie Mackintosh's final triumph...this little house makes clear that whatever reasons lay behind Mackintosh's professional decline, a lessening of his creative powers was not one of them. -- John McAslan- Telegraph (UK) |
One hot seat: On the centenary of Charles Eames's birth, a tribute to his revolutionary chair, which helped launch the notion of democratic design- Toronto Star |
"New New York: Fast Forward" exhibition reborn as a web site and portfolio-sized traveling show; 30 New York architects sound off about the current state of development in New York, the relative merits of Jane Jacobs vs. Robert Moses, and what New York needs to do to sustain itself as a world capital.- Architectural League of New York |
Steam-Driven Dreams: The Wondrously Whimsical World of Steampunk: Retro-futurism is all the rage these days...anything to make the onslaught of new technology less disposable. [slide show]- Wired |
Explore Rome and all its glory, with just a click: Designers of Rome Reborn claim it is the largest and most complete digital simulation of a historic city ever created...re-creates the Eternal City in AD 320, the time of Constantine...- Los Angeles Times |
A Bigger, Better Ground Zero: Ignore the faux polls, rebuild the Towers and make them bigger and better. -- Twin Towers Alliance- New York Sun |

kk Letter: Stopover in Beijing: The "egg," the "twisted doughnut," the "watercube," the "bird's nest," and many other constuction sites are buzzing with workers to be ready for the 2008 Olympics... -- Pei; Sheeren/OMA; PTW; Herzog & de Meuron; Holl; Lab Architecture Studio; Andreu |
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