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Today's News - Monday, June 18, 2007
ArcSpace makes its first foray to Beijing. -- The "'magnificent catastrophe' of the urban jungle" and yet cities "work wonderfully well." -- Thames Gateway: "Sadly, the British planning establishment has somehow lost its once-celebrated capacity for designing decent communities." -- Cambridge University's school of architecture tackles the impact of ethnic unrest on the built environment. -- A call to raise the international profile of Australian culture. -- Chicago isn't really as green as everyone had hoped. -- Who couldn't use a Bus Rapid Transit Planning Guide these days? -- King gives (mostly) thumbs-up three proposals for Presidio Lodge. -- Hume gives an emphatic thumbs-down for Toronto's Roundhouse plan as one example of city's "creative bankruptcy." -- Heathrow's new terminal may be a "cathedral to flight," but just try finding a place to sit. -- Boddy finds a new condo "one shipwreck of housing development" (Though he does find some elements to admire). -- Bing is gracious - but not happy - with peer review of Texas project already underway. -- What's striking about an oh-so-green building in Albuquerque building is how simple it was to get there. -- San Diego's Old Globe sees new life. -- Johnson's Glass House has more to offer than just tours. -- Who isn't taking part in Debate London this week? -- It's now Sir Peter Cook to us commoners. -- More on the "captivating documentary 'Citizen Lambert: Joan of Architecture'." -- Reminder: deadline looms for 1st stage design competition for a new Museum in Perm, Russia.

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kk Letter: Stopover in Beijing: The "egg," the "twisted doughnut," the "watercube," the "bird's nest," and many other constuction sites are buzzing with workers to be ready for the 2008 Olympics... -- Pei; Sheeren/OMA; PTW; Herzog & de Meuron; Holl; Lab Architecture Studio; Andreu |
Three billion careful owners: As Global Cities exhibition opens at the Tate, Stephen Bayley considers the 'magnificent catastrophe' of the urban jungle...The great thing about cities is not how awful they are, but how wonderfully well they work...- Guardian (UK) |
Sold down the river: The Thames Gateway is a place of rich history and eerie beauty. But 120,000 homes are being plonked down on it as if it were a cultureless wasteland...the planners need to get out of their helicopters and embrace, rather than obliterate, it. By Tristram Hunt- Guardian (UK) |
Academics study divided cities: Cambridge University’s school of architecture is to launch a major research project into the impact of ethnic unrest on the built environment...will investigate how Belfast can provide lessons for Jerusalem.- BD/Building Design (UK) |
Less 'kultcha', more creativity: The international presence and profile of Australian culture has been allowed to fade with a huge cost to the nation...we're mostly known for a few iconic buildings and animals. "Whose fault is that? Ours."- The Age (Australia) |
Daley's city not so 'green': Mayor adds foliage but high electricity use offsets gains...fell well short of targets for curbing electricity usage by city buildings despite the construction of energy-efficient buildings and the installation of green roofs across the city. -- Chicago Climate Exchange- Chicago Tribune |
Planning Guide for Bus Rapid Transit Published: Manual Provides Comprehensive Look at the Global Emergence of BRT...Technical Secrets to the World’s Leading Systems- Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) |
Much at stake in Presidio Lodge plans: 3 finalists put unique twists on their proposed designs for 100-room hotel in national park. By John King -- Leddy Maytum Stacy; Hornberger + Worstell; Heller Manus Architects [slide show]- San Francisco Chronicle |
How do you spell creative bankruptcy? R-O-U-N-D-H-O-U-S-E: ...signals a city devoid of imagination. We have run out of ideas. We have given up...in its own small way, it sums up the mindset of a society grown rich plundering its own resources, whether natural or cultural. By Christopher Hume- Toronto Star |
30 million passengers, 23,000 square metres of shops ... and just 700 seats: Heralded as a cathedral to flight, the new Heathrow Terminal 5 is a temple to spending - especially if you want to sit down -- Richard Rogers- Guardian (UK) |
A condo on the rocks: Shoal Point has beached on Victoria's shores, setting up an architectural debate in the capital city: Love it or hate it? ...huge, and hugely-flaky 141-unit condo development...This is one shipwreck of housing development. By Trevor Boddy -- Merrick Architecture [slide show]- Globe and Mail (Canada) |
Panel: Construct Tarrant County College plaza at street level: ...consultants' report presented...after a two-day workshop held to review the campus design....Big Thom graciously accepted the report, but he was clearly not happy with the peer review at this stage of the project. -- Fred Kent/Project for Public Space; David Lee/Harvard Graduate School of Design; Alan Hantman- Fort Worth Star-Telegram (Texas) |
Albuquerque building is the cutting edge of energy-efficient design: What's so striking about the building - which uses about 45 percent less energy than average - is how simple it was to get those savings. -- Dekker/Perich/Sabatini- Albuquerque Tribune |
Old Globe Reveals Expansion Plans for New $75 Million Theater Complex: All projects will be constructed in the Elizabethan architectural style of the historic Old Globe campus. -- LMN Architects; Heritage Architecture & Planning; David Reed Landscape Architects- San Diego Business Journal |
Genius Shines Through: Philip Johnson's New Canaan Estate Showcases Architect's Experimental Side...work has led to the creation of an online resource center for owners of modern houses anywhere. By Michael J. Crosbie- Hartford Courant (Connecticut) |
Debate London at the Tate Modern June 22-25: Is London a United City?; 2012 Wish List: What do you Want for London?; How can a Boom Town be Green?; Is London Really as Cool as it Thinks it is?- The Architecture Foundation (UK) |
Knighthood for Peter Cook...David Adjaye...awarded an OBE. -- Archigram;- Design Week (UK) |
Phyllis Lambert: candid on camera: ...appearing front and centre in the captivating documentary Citizen Lambert: Joan of Architecture...- Montreal Gazette |
Reminder: Call for portfolios: 1st stage of open international competition for a new Museum in Perm, Russia; deadline: July 10 [English & Russian]- Center of Contemporary Architecture (Russia) |
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