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Today's News - Friday, June 15, 2007
A Forbes special report on 21st-century cities: the good, the bad, and the sad. -- Hawthorne's thoughtful take on the sad state of new U.S. embassies' lack of architectural ambition. -- A conversation with New Orleans's recovery chief Blakely: "the process of rebuilding a devastated physical environment and a shaken economy." -- Ricky Burdett's Olympian task. -- New efforts to close the "gaping disparity" in diversity in the profession. -- Move over Space Needle: towering plans for West Palm Beach skyline. -- Rybczynski weighs in on 5 proposals for NYC's Governors Island. -- Not all are convinced that it's a good idea to build a school next to congested triple highway in Connecticut. -- Things are green and not so green in the U.K. as some developers spend fortunes on courtyards, while others glom on to "garden grabbing." -- Russell is (mostly) thumbs-up for Moneo's Prado wing. -- Saffron on Kieran's "green, clean, and pretty prefab" Loblolly House. -- Scotland offers "101 Uses for a Redundant Church" (some are a bit "quirky"). -- Rykwert not at all pleased with Foster plan to demolish his last surviving building. -- Weekend diversions: as U.K. Architecture Week begins, we couldn't resist an amusing profile of one of its founding patrons (only slightly scatological). -- "Citizen Lambert: Joan of Architecture": a remarkable film about a remarkable woman. -- Two Toronto exhibits focus on Canadian Modernism. -- Young American architects spotlighted at Deutsches Architekturmuseum in Frankfurt.

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Twenty-First Century Cities: Two Billion Slum Dwellers; In Defense Of Sprawl (Bruegmann); Megacities Of The Future; Ghost Cities of 2100 [links, slide shows]- Forbes |
U.S.' new Baghdad embassy evokes suburbia: The under-wraps compound being built in Iraq is the architectural equivalent of mission creep...it is not just security worries that are hampering our newer embassies. Many reject even an attempt at worldliness or architectural ambition. By Christopher Hawthorne -- Berger Devine Yaeger. (BDY); Sorg and Associates- Los Angeles Times |
Recovery Chief Ed Blakely Discusses Rebuilding New Orleans - Part One- PLANetizen |
Olympian Task: Can Ricky Burdett Turn a London Dump Into Barcelona? ...principal design adviser to the London Olympic Delivery Authority...tasked with making sure the proposed Olympic site and buildings look good.- Bloomberg News |
Laying Out a Blueprint for Diversity: Though the architectural needs of society are highly diverse, the pool of available architects is anything but...gaping disparity has prompted widespread calls for change. -- Marshall E. Purnell/Devrouax and Purnell; Theodore Landsmark; Kathryn H. Anthony; Geraldine Forbes Isais- Diverse: Issues in Higher Education |
Sky-high building proposed for West Palm Beach: Tower resembling Seattle's Space Needle would be the tallest building in the United States. -- Rodriguez Design Group; Zeidler Partnership; Smallwood, Reynolds, Stewart and Stewart- Miami Herald |
Central Park South: Choosing the best design for a new park on New York's Governors Island. By Witold Rybczynski -- Field Operations/WilkinsonEyre; Hargreaves/Michael Maltzan; Ramus Ella Architects (REX)/Michel Desvigne Paysagistes (MDP); West 8/Rogers Marvel Architects/Diller Scofidio + Renfro; WRT/Weiss/Manfredi/Urban Strategies [slide show essay]- Slate |
Can Students Breathe Next To A Highway? ...neighbors aren't convinced that a new school next to a triple-highway intersection can be a safe place for kids to breathe the air -- even if, as planned, the windows stay shut and sealed. -- SLAM Collaborative- New Haven Independent.org (Connecticut) |
London's cool new courtyards: Developers are spending millions on designer courtyards...hiring top landscape architects to create elaborate designs with an array of features... -- Frederick Gibberd Partnership; Churchman Landscape Architects; Philip Nash [images]- Telegraph (UK) |
One day all this will be multi-occupancy units: ..."garden grabbing". Developers buy a house with a generous garden, apply for planning permission to demolish the house and build either flats...law allows gardens to be classified as "brownfield" sites...- BBC News |
Prado Museum's New Wing Gets Sleek, Tactful Treatment by Moneo: No look-at-me extravaganza, the addition politely "entwines new and old"... By James S. Russell- Bloomberg News |
Green, clean, and pretty prefab: Stephen Kieran thinks his stylish forest retreat [Loblolly House] is a house of the future, as beautiful as it is easy to build. By Inga Saffron -- KieranTimberlake [images]- Philadelphia Inquirer |
Nothing for it but to convert: ...church buildings of Scotland, which number roughly 3500 across the country, are under threat as never before...Scottish Civic Trust published a report with included 101 Uses for a Redundant Church...- The Herald (UK) |
Joseph Rykwert furious as his one surviving building faces demolition: ...publicly slammed proposals by Foster & Partners to demolish his last surviving building and replace it with a “gated community” for the super rich.- BD/Building Design (UK) |
The mighty bouche: Janet Street-Porter is renowned for having an opinion on absolutely everything and it seems the construction industry is no exception....[she] is on the warpath and she’s not taking prisoners.- Building (UK) |
Film review: "Citizen Lambert: Joan of Architecture" is a remarkable film about a remarkable woman.- Montreal Gazette |
Dominion Modern launches two exhibitions in Toronto: ...promoting public understanding and widening thought and debate on the art of 20th-century Canadian architecture and design, its history, theory, practice, and role in society today..."Endangered Species" and "OISE D&A"...- Canadian Architect |
German Museum Highlights "Young Architects in the USA": Deutsches Architekturmuseum will highlight the likes of SHoP Architects, nARCHITECTS, and Studio Luz Architects; June 27 – September 2- Interior Design Newswire |
Designing Public Consensus: A Conversation with Barbara Faga, FASLA -- EDAW- ArchNewsNow |

-- Peter Zumthor: Brother Claus Field Chapel, Mechernich, Germany -- 3XNielsen: Concert Hall, Tivoli Gardens, Copenhagen -- Polshek Partnership Architects: William J. Clinton Presidential Center, Little Rock, Arkansas |
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