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Today's News - Wednesday, June 13, 2007
TODs are the new frontier in urban development. -- One Connecticut town is a poster child for the trend. -- The graying of American suburbs. -- Three architects put Cleveland into "global competition among cities for survival and supremacy." -- BAM's neighborhood redevelopment may have hit some snags, but moves ahead. -- Politics and culture bedevil projects in Jerusalem and some of Foster's projects in Russia. -- U.S. Congress tackles global warming in its own backyard (we can hope, anyway). -- Deal to relocate Rudolph house collapses. -- Canada's other "crystal" wraps a historic building in glass. -- Kennicott on the meanings of memorials. -- Toronto's Luminato disappoints Hume. -- Another take is a big thumbs-up - with ROM crystal giving the most impressive performance. -- A call for public comments on design proposals for Governors Island, "The Park at the Center of the World." -- Quebec Order of Architects names 14 winners of the 2007 Architecture Awards of Excellence. -- One we couldn't resist: RPI grads grow mushrooms (under their beds) for new sustainable insulation.

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The Little Engine That Could: In many cities, mass-transit lines are the new frontier in urban development...transit-oriented development [TOD] is being promoted...as a way to counter sprawl ...and revitalize struggling urban neighborhoods. -- Reconnecting America; Citiventure Associates- Wall Street Journal |
Can New Transit Revive a City? Naugatuck, Conn., where city officials hope a giant new development based around a unique transit system will breathe life into the economy. -- FXFowle Architects [video]- Wall Street Journal |
Suburbs Are Graying Faster Than Big Cities: ...early signs of a possible trend of wealthier and more educated older suburbanites moving to the cities...smaller cities and metropolitan areas are also marketing themselves as magnets for urban professionals ages 65 to 74, or "suppies"...- New York Times |
Blueprints for a champion city: Architecture is very much part of the global competition among cities for survival and supremacy. And Cleveland is very much in the game... Three architects...and how they hope to bring fresh life to the city. By Steven Litt -- Curt Fentress/Fentress Bradburn; Farshid Moussavi/Foreign Office Architects (FOA); Winy Maas/MVRDV- Cleveland Plain Dealer |
A Second Act for the BAM Cultural District: ...Brooklyn Academy of Music has added an unusual element to its portfolio of offerings...neighborhood redevelopment...could prove to be a model for the borough and beyond. -- Koolhaas/OMA; Diller + Scofidio; TEN Arquitectos; WORK AC; Ken Smith; Frank Gehry; H3 Hardy Collaboration Architecture- The Architect's Newspaper (NYC) |
Politics, History Bedevil Jerusalem Projects: “The right way to get good architecture is through international competitions for public buildings, rather than by importing big names.” By Esther Hecht -- David Kroyanker; Frank Gehry; Santiago Calatrava; David Guggenheim; Anda Barr/Israel Association of United Architects- Architectural Record |
Foster Redevelopments Begin in Moscow: Controversies have shadowed almost all Foster & Partners’ ventures in the country,.. [images]- Architectural Record |
Lawmakers Pledge To Make Capitol Complex Carbon Neutral in Battle Against Climate Change: Congress says it is going to join the war against global warming by cleaning up its own backyard...- Environmental News Network (ENN) |
New Fate for Rudolph House: Deal to Relocate It Collapses: Plans to move a 1956 house designed by Paul Rudolph from a bluff in Rhode Island rather than demolish it fell through yesterday.- New York Times |
Cambridge's crystal is ready: 'This is a fairly extreme approach to expanding an old building' -- the renovation of the 85-year-old Hespeler library officially opens...wrap an addition around the historic building. About the only thing the eye-popping design lacks is subtlety. -- Alar Kongats [link to images]- Waterloo Record (Canada) |
The Meaning of a Marker For 100 Million Victims: Modesty is the main virtue of the new Victims of Communism Memorial...But monuments in Washington are almost always built to the greater glory of their makers, not the victims or heroes acknowledged... By Philip Kennicott [image]- Washington Post |
Luminato: A businessperson's notion of a festival: ...failed to add up to more than the sum of its parts. Despite all the hype, many Torontonians still have no idea what it was all about. It lacked authenticity... By Christopsher Hume- Toronto Star |
Libeskind's Toronto Triumph: The new kid on the international arts festival block is Toronto's Luminato...But of all the impressive performances...the most masterful and satisfying one was by a building...new expansion of the Royal Ontario Museum... -- Daniel Libeskind- New York Sun |
Iconic architect creates a ROM that’s crystal clear: "This building will be a storyteller with tales about Toronto..." -- Daniel Libeskind- Candian Jewish News |
GIPEC is soliciting public comment on the design proposals for "The Park at the Center of the World: Five Visions for Governors Island" -- Field Operations/WilkinsonEyre Architects; Hargreaves Associates/Michael Maltzan Architecture; Ramus Ella Architects (REX)/Michel Desvigne Paysagistes (MDP); West 8/Rogers Marvel Architects/Diller Scofidio + Renfro; WRT LLC/Weiss/Manfredi/Urban Strategies [links, images]- Governors Island Preservation & Education Corporation (GIPEC) |
Quebec Order of Architects unveils the winners of the 2007 Architecture Awards of Excellence -- Saucier + Perrotte; Anne Carrier; Gauthier Gallienne Moisan Architects; Annie Lalancette/Nelson Ruel; Nadejda Topouzanov/Vladimir Topouzanov; Brière Gilbert + Associates; Croft Pelletier; Boutros + Pratte; FABG - Faucher Aubertin Brodeur Gauthier; Pierina Saia/Réal Paul; Pierre Morency Architect- Canadian Architect |
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) grads look to mushrooms for their eco-building material...a sustainable insulation. (AP)- NY Newsday |
Designing Public Consensus: A Conversation with Barbara Faga, FASLA -- EDAW- ArchNewsNow |

-- Peter Zumthor: Brother Claus Field Chapel, Mechernich, Germany -- 3XNielsen: Concert Hall, Tivoli Gardens, Copenhagen -- Polshek Partnership Architects: William J. Clinton Presidential Center, Little Rock, Arkansas |
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