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Today's News - Tuesday, June 12, 2007
An urban designer discusses the trials, tribulations - and rewards of building public consensus. -- Are stormwater mitigation rules helping the environment or encouraging sprawl? -- Washington, DC's Anacostia Waterfront Corp. may be dissolved, but its legacy is preserved. -- King's "manifesto": even without a starchitect or big budget, there's "no reason new buildings can't be modest triumphs of quality and care." -- It looks like China might finally clamp down on rampant loss of architectural heritage in its "blind pursuit of large, new and exotic" buildings. -- Saffron questions how Philadelphia could lose two historic buildings when the city was "firmly on the side of preservation." -- How Dubai "has thrust itself to the center of international consciousness" to outdo Las Vegas "in strange spectacle." -- Move over, Dubai: Saudi Arabia plans a multi-billion-dollar multicultural metropolis (five, actually). -- Hawthorne is (mostly) thumbs-up for Gehry's Grand Avenue Phase 1 (but will infighting drive the master away from the rest?). -- Meanwhile, Maltzan has designs on L.A.'s arts district. -- Alsop on Toronto's "newfound bravery" has Hume calling him "a Torontonian in spirit if not in law." -- Voelz Chandler is enchanted by Holl's "bit of magic in four acts." -- Heathcote finds Royal Festival Hall looking "fresh and contemporary beside the rain-streaked behemoths and in a city obsessed with towers, icons and silly shapes." -- Yale's under-the-radar but oh-so-green construction project. -- Some are thrilled (others not) to be invited to submit qualifications for Bush Library project. -- Atkins makes learning visible through the structures and environment in a new UAE school. -- Q&A with Volkwin Marg: his views on architecture and his plans for New Delhi stadium. -- Super Potato's super Sugimoto. -- Cornell finds new university architect via the GSA.

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Designing Public Consensus: A Conversation with Barbara Faga, FASLA -- EDAW- ArchNewsNow |
Op-Ed: A Browner Shade of Green: The New Water Rules and the Next Chapter of Sprawl: Stormwater mitigation rules are supposed to help protect the environment, but the current regulations also end up encouraging sprawl over urban redevelopment. By Lisa Nisenson- PLANetizen |
For the Anacostia, a Legacy Of Environmental Proportions: The D.C. Council voted ...to dissolve the Anacostia Waterfront Corp., but, fortunately, it decided to preserve one important legacy of that short-lived group -- its environmental design and development standards. By Roger K. Lewis- Washington Post |
Want to build something? Fine. But please read this first: ...not every project can claim an extravagant budget or a big-name architect. But there's no reason new buildings...can't be modest triumphs of quality and care. By John King -- Santos Prescott/HKI&T [images]- San Francisco Chronicle |
Historical sites ruined in renovations: A large number of historical architecture and cultural heritage sites have been destroyed during the country's rapid urbanization...Qiu Baoxing, vice-minister of construction...also slammed the "blind pursuit of large, new and exotic" buildings...1-billion-yuan ($130 million), five-year nationwide survey on cultural relics has been launched to get a clearer picture of their status.- China Daily |
2 Philadelphia historic buildings wrongly leveled: ...you expect to lose a few historic structures now and then. What makes this case stand out is the high-profile location and the fact that the city was firmly on the side of preservation. By Inga Saffron [images]- Philadelphia Inquirer |
Arabian Heights: How does an emerging global power announce itself? With the world's tallest building...Dubai has thrust itself to the center of international consciousness by constantly insisting on attention...now outdoes Las Vegas in strange spectacle... -- Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM)- Architect Magazine |
Prince Plans $300 Billion Multicultural Metropolis in Saudi Arabian Desert: New Tabouk...designed to lure 700,000 inhabitants from around the globe. -- Bahaa Hariri- Bloomberg News |
A Gehry imprint: The new proposal for Grand Avenue's first phase has the architect's trademark loose forms. But will infighting drive him off the project? ...has proven to be a fascinating measuring stick for the emerging public-private partnership model of urban development. By Christopher Hawthorne -- HKS Architects; Laurie Olin; Rios Clemente Hale [images]- Los Angeles Times |
One Santa Fe: Take Two: Arts District Apartment Project Moves Forward With New Investor: ...will sit on a 2.7-acre parcel just north of the Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc)...unusually elongated, sleek design that offers numerous rooftop gardens, hanging staircases and public plazas. -- Michael Maltzan Architecture [image]- LA Downtown News |
Will Alsop's Kensington Market is a neighbourhood at risk: Being as much an anarchist as an artist or architect, Alsop's ideas aren't likely to be embraced by all Torontonians... "Toronto's still quite delicate in its newfound bravery"... By Christopher Hume- Toronto Star |
Light, design, landscape: 3 elements work together in expansion, renovation of Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art...Steven Holl has worked a bit of magic in four acts...has demonstrated, in spades, the way light can become a tangible material. By Mary Voelz Chandler- Rocky Mountain News (Denver) |
Modernism is remodernised: Royal Festival Hall is the resounding triumph of postwar architecture ...Allies & Morrison...obviously in their element, their emotional attachment to the building radiating from every detail...now it looks fresh and contemporary beside the rain-streaked behemoths and in a city obsessed with towers, icons and silly shapes... By Edwin Heathcote- Financial Times (UK) |
Rebuilding a Block: Under the radar: Yale's little-noticed $50 million downtown construction project ...Yale University's new sculpture building, a four-story, 55,000-square-foot glass and metal structure -- KieranTimberlake- Business New Haven (Connecticut) |
Bush Library appears to be a lock at SMU: Letter soliciting design firms spells out details of complex...Several Texas firms and more from around the country have been asked to submit their qualifications...although the invitation is being met with mixed results... -- HKS; HOK; Good Fulton & Farrell; David M. Schwarz; Overland Partners; Beck Architecture; Larry Speck; Lake/Flato; Cesar Pelli; Hammond Beeby Rupert Ainge- Dallas Morning News |
The affect of architecture on learning: Raha International School has created a community of learners; the buildings facilitate this sense of community and are designed to make learning transparent. Learning is made visible through the structures and environment. -- Atkins- ArabianBusiness.com |
Human quality in architecture: Q&A with Volkwin Marg...his views on the function and philosophy of architecture and his plans for the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, New Delhi. -- von Gerkan Marg and Partners Architects (GMP)- The Hindu (India) |
Super Sugimoto: Unwanted wood, discarded pipes and leftover metal cutouts have all found new life in the hands of Takashi Sugimoto, one of Japan's most innovative designers. -- Super Potato- The Star (Malaysia) |
Gilbert Delgado has been named Cornell's university architect: Currently a national director in GSA's Office of the Chief Architect- Cornell News |

-- Peter Zumthor: Brother Claus Field Chapel, Mechernich, Germany -- 3XNielsen: Concert Hall, Tivoli Gardens, Copenhagen -- Polshek Partnership Architects: William J. Clinton Presidential Center, Little Rock, Arkansas |
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