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Today's News - Monday, June 11, 2007

ArcSpace takes us to Copenhagen and Arkansas, and offers an eyeful of Zumthor's Brother Claus Field Chapel in Mechernich, Germany. -- Glancey finds the chapel's "simple form proves to be far richer than it first appears." -- Success for L.A. Live depends on its public elements. -- Gentrification is an uncertain blessing for another L.A. neighborhood. -- Cities finally beginning to get things right with affordable housing projects. -- As costs rise for Glasgow's new transport museum, Hadid may have to trim some more (oh those skeptics who blame innovative design). -- Budget doesn't seem to be a problem for her Opus in Dubai (and check out a new phrase for your lexicon: "Oyster concept"). -- MacMillan waxes poetic about Nelson-Atkins - and draws some interesting comparisons between Holl and Libeskind museums. -- A call to make Dubai more pedestrian-friendly. -- Kamin on Chicago's latest "battles over whether (and how) to make the past a part of the future." -- British architects call for an end to Mock-Tudor and "Disneytecture." -- "Constraints are an inspiration to genius" in Heatherwick's beach cafe for Littlehampton, U.K. -- "New kicks" in store for Route 66. -- Still more on the rail threat to Gaudí's cathedral. -- The only starchitect names not on the list for new museum on Saadiyat Island is because they're already designing other stuff. -- Call for entries for design competition for downtown Charlottesville, VA.

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