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Today's News - Friday, June 8, 2007
Green urbanism, new urbanism, smart growth, "opportunity urbanism" - the good, the bad, and the really, really ugly from Detroit to L.A. to Sydney to Houston. -- HUD introduces affordable, sustainable PATH concept home. -- Even more value engineering of Olympic venue left to shortlisted contractors, "effectively cutting Hadid out of the process." A short time left to throw your hat in the ring for 2012 Athletes Village. -- Tokyo throws hat into ring for 2016 Olympic Games. -- Make Architects "slinks" into London with a curvaceous office building. -- Post-Pritzker Rogers on PBS. -- Univ. of Chicago thrilled with Williams-Tsien proposal for arts center. -- A good reason to head to Hawaii next week. -- Art Gallery of Alberta exhibit celebrates urban modernism in Edmonton (with hopes it won't all be demolished).

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Green Urbanism: "We need to talk more about lifestyle and less about light bulbs." -- Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU); Mark Nickita/Archive DS; J Eppink Partners [links]- metromode (Detroit) |
What's Smart About Smart Growth? City Hall's plan for the future expects you to give up the yard, the car - and learn to love density...Politicians, planners and policy types say smart growth, sometimes described as “new urbanism,” will relieve the region’s housing shortage, diminish its traffic woes and solve L.A.’s overall unlivability. [links]- LA Weekly |
Peddling Smart Growth: Call your project “smart” — even when it isn't — and get millions in public funds ...some of the public-pension funds — entities with the words “smart growth” in the name — are investing in projects that perpetuate rather than limit the sprawl.- LA Weekly |
SOS for a city that's eating itself: Local government is stepping in to try to rescue Sydney from its own growth...Urban sprawl is devouring parklands and market gardens...And it could get worse...- Sydney Morning Herald |
Expect new censorship, if our privates enter the public domain: ...now, as amnesia over the meaning of "public" becomes official...the big lumpy bits of cities...are the bastions of private privilege: malls, resorts, privatopias and, now, even the town centres themselves...The harbingers are the New Rouse Hill...and Springfield... By Elizabeth Farrelly- Sydney Morning Herald |
Visionary project for Sydney's first 'Eco-City' unveiled: Rafael Pizarro and a team of 20 final year architecture students have spent several months designing what they call an ambitious and revolutionary plan to transform Sydney's White Bay into the state's first ecologically sound and sustainable city.- ABC (Australia) |
Opportunity Urbanism: An Emerging Paradigm for the 21st Century. By Joel Kotkin [pdf]- Greater Houston Partnership |
HUD Unveils America's First Efficient, Sustainable PATH Concept Home featuring more than 60 efficient, sustainable and flexible products and systems all in one affordable home. -- Torti Gallas and Partners [link]- NewsBlaze |
Hadid’s Olympic aquatics centre faces more cuts: Architect loses control of design as contractors work to scale back costs again- Building (UK) |
Call for entries: Lend Lease Consortium and the Architecture Foundation seeking architectural practices from around the world to design all elements of the Athletes Village for the London 2012 Games; deadline: June 28- Lend Lease |
Tokyo throws hat into ring for 2016 Olympic Games: ...a bid Mayor Daley expected to be "very formidable" against Chicago's own effort to land the event.- Chicago Sun-Times |
Ken Shuttleworth reveals landmark City project: Make Architects slinks into the City of London with a curvaceous nine-storey office building [images]- Building (UK) |
The Pritzker Prize, architecture's highest medal, was awarded Monday in London to Richard Rogers. The NewsHour shares highlights of an interview with the winning architect. [text, audio, video]- PBS NewsHour |
Williams-Tsien architect team, acclaimed for their modernist designs, will create arts center: While all of the design studies in the competition were impressive, the Tod Williams Billie Tsien Architects proposal stood out... -- Hans Hollein; Mayne/Morphosis; Fumihiko Maki; Daniel Libeskind- University of Chicago Chronicle |
7th International Symposium on Asia Pacific Architecture: “Architecture + Movement" at University of Hawai‘i School of Architecture (Manoa), June 14-16- University of Hawaii at Manoa |
Celebrating urban modernism in Edmonton: The Art Gallery of Alberta explores the evolving architecture of our city's past: "Capital Modern: Edmonton Architecture & Urban Design 1940-1969"- Edmonton Journal (Canada) |

-- Kengo Kuma & Associates: Suntory Museum of Art, Tokyo -- Zaha Hadid Architects: Kartal – Pendik Masterplan, Istanbul -- LAB architecture studio: Guardian Towers, Danet Abu Dhabi, UAE |
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