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Today's News - Wednesday, June 6, 2007
We lose a master who married architectural aesthetics and "a social consciousness for a postwar world." -- WMF's 2008 List of 100 Most Endangered Sites highlights three critical man-made threats. -- All eyes on California as it tries to hold cities' and counties' poorly planned suburban sprawl accountable for global warming. -- Green building trend grows, though not all go for the cost of LEED. -- An architect spearheads a new, easier way to measure carbon output of construction projects. -- German towns setting up their own grids of self-produced energy. -- For Ouroussoff, with the Nelson-Atkins "breathtaking addition," Holl has finally found his "place in the pantheon" with "a work of haunting power." -- Saffron finds a 21st-century intervention is a "feat of magic" at Bryn Mawr. -- The planned "reinvention" of the Royal Shakespeare Theatre "mixes fresh ambition with respect for the past." -- Atlanta has big plans for another big mixed-use project. -- ASLA announces 2007 Honors. -- We couldn't resist Glancey's take on the 2012 Olympics logo: it "more ways than one." -- On a more serious note, logo video had to be pulled from web for causing epileptic seizures. -- Chicago gears up to celebrate William Le Baron Jenney, "The Father of the Skyscraper." -- Balazs wins bid for Prouve's tropical prefab; hasn't decided what to do with it (leave it in Queens?). -- Gehry flick opens in Japan to one amusing review: "sparkling vision of a child prodigy who has never had to grow up." -- Also on view in Tokyo: Fujimori, the "cheerful misfit" of last year's Venice Biennale. -- And in London, Niall McLaughlin adorns gallery walls.

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Obituary: Norman Fletcher, 89; cofounded influential architects group: "He was the architect's architect" -- The Architects Collaborative/TAC- Boston Globe |
WMF announces 2008 World Monuments Watch List of 100 Most Endangered Sites: This year’s list highlights three critical man-made threats: political conflict, unchecked urban and industrial development, and, for the first time, global climate change. [pdf, links]- World Monuments Fund |
California sees sprawl as warming culprit: ...pioneering what could be the next battleground against global warming: filing suit to hold cities and counties accountable for greenhouse gas emissions caused by poorly planned suburban sprawl. [links]- USA Today |
Green building trend grows: New structures often eco-friendly, but not officially certified...many cities are willing to trade the lengthy LEED certification process for an environmentally sensitive building. -- Siegel & Strain- Inside Bay Area (California) |
Builders scrap construction carbon: Mithun, along with landscape architects...is making it easier...to measure the carbon output of construction projects...While sophisticated, expensive tools...already exist...BuildCarbonNeutral.com is accessible to builders that would not otherwise attempt to go through the exercise.- Sustainable Industries Journal |
Heating Homes with Manure: A handful of villages in Germany are already securing their heating needs by means of bio-energy. Now more boroughs want to set up their own grids of self-produced energy. [slide show]- Der Spiegel (Germany) |
A Translucent and Radiant Partner With the Past: Steven Holl’s breathtaking addition to the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art is his most mature work to date, a perfect synthesis of ideas that he has been refining for more than a decade...a work of haunting power. By Nicolai Ouroussoff [slide show]- New York Times |
A feat of magic at Bryn Mawr: Like the great wizards in the Harry Potter stories, the architects...have left their mark as evidence of the 21st-century intervention...Such sure composition comes not with the sleight-of-hand of a magician's wand, but with the old-fashioned, laborious application of architectural craft. By Inga Saffron -- Daniel Kelley/MGA Partners [images]- Philadelphia Inquirer |
Curtain up on the future: Dominic Bradbury reveals the dynamic new look for the Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford...a £113 million reinvention of one of the country's most famous cultural centres...mixes fresh ambition with respect for the past. -- Elizabeth Scott (1932); Bennetts Associates; Charcoalblue; Ian Ritchie [image]- Telegraph (UK) |
HOK Atlanta Awarded Riverwood Mixed-Use Project: $300-million development to include LEED certified office building, 180-room hotel, two 250-unit residential towers, and additional office and retail space. [images]- PR Web |
ASLA Announces 2007 Honors: William B. Callaway, FASLA, to receive ASLA Medal; Sasaki Associates to receive Firm Award -- Richard L. Haag, FASLA; Terence Harkness, FASLA; Charles A. Birnbaum, FASLA; Sally Boasberg, Hon. ASLA; James R. Urban, FASLA; Frederick R. Steiner, FASLA- American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) |
How Lisa Simpson got ahead at the Olympics: The 2012 Olympics logo blows in more ways than one. By Jonathan Glancey [image, links]- Guardian (UK) |
Please look away ... it's the 2012 logo: Organisers forced to pull promotional video from website after film triggered seizures.- Guardian (UK) |
Major Jenney Garners a Salute: The Father of the Skyscraper William Le Baron Jenney gets a fond reconsideration on the 100th anniversary of his death. By Lynn Becker [images]- Repeat (Chicago) |
Prouve Prefab Tropical House on Stilts Sells for $4.97 Million: ...hotelier Andre Balazs who bought the house said he hasn't decided what he will do with it.- Bloomberg News |
An architect's warps, warmth: "Sketches of Frank Gehry"...a genial, teddy-bear figure whose words and expressions often reveal the startling, sparkling vision of a child prodigy who has never had to grow up...lens doesn't avert its gaze when Gehry is irritable, and less attractive aspects of his personality rise to the surface like lumps.- Japan Times |
On view: "Architecture of Terunobu Fujimori and ROJO": The cheerful misfit at the 2006 Venice Architecture Biennale was the Japanese Pavilion...The commissioner...is himself a cheerful misfit... By Thomas Daniell [images, link]- Artscape (Japan) |
On veiw: Unfinished: Niall McLaughlin Architects at Photofusion, London through July 7- Photofusion |

-- Kengo Kuma & Associates: Suntory Museum of Art, Tokyo -- Zaha Hadid Architects: Kartal – Pendik Masterplan, Istanbul -- LAB architecture studio: Guardian Towers, Danet Abu Dhabi, UAE |
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