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Today's News - March 21, 2007
The green line between Chicago and San Francisco a model for other cities (if it gets beyond demonstration projects). -- A look at the future of L.A.'s new urbanist community that was new urbanism long before it was an "ism." -- Japanese architects lead the way in small spaces for urban density. -- Hawthorne finds Mayne's federal building a "measuring stick" that dramatizes the "clash between architectural creativity and the basics of sustainable design." -- A call to "one of the great errors in the history of American city planning: the post-war binge of urban freeway building" (and where they're doing it). -- Grand Canyon Skywalk opens - but will it really help an impoverished tribe and stand (literally) the test of time? -- An impressive team for 2007 Serpentine Gallery Pavilion. -- An enlightening Q&A with Martha Schwartz (remember her Harvard too-doo?). -- Seidler still making his mark. -- Call for papers: Nexus 2008 conference for architecture and mathematics. -- New books: a penetrating study of Kahn; and NorCalMod finally gets its due.

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The green line: It's Chicago to San Francisco: ...unlikely collaboration can be an outstanding model for other major U.S. cities if [Mayors] Newsom and Daley challenge each other to push beyond visible demonstration projects toward deeper systemic change.- Chicago Tribune |
A Glimpse of a More Vertical Los Angeles: Long before “the new urbanism” became a tired phrase, Playa Vista...was envisioned as a place where people could live, work, shop and play without leaving their neighborhood.- New York Times |
Shrinking to Fit the Interstices: Urban density makes sustainable cities possible...The Japanese lead the way in proving the benefits of small spaces. -- Satoshi Kurosaki/Apollo Architects; Atelier Bow Wow; Commdesign [images, links]- WorldChanging |
Green clashes with design in San Francisco tower: ...most fascinating, by far, as a measuring stick for green architecture. It shows what happens when a celebrated American architect is compelled...to embrace sustainability. And it dramatizes a clash between the prerogatives of architectural creativity and the basics of sustainable design... By Christopher Hawthorne -- Mayne/Morphosis- Los Angeles Times |
Op-Ed: Removing Urban Freeways: As part of our effort to slow global warming, we should be correcting one of the great errors in the history of American city planning: the post-war binge of urban freeway building. By Charles Siegel- PLANetizen |
Tribe pins economic future on Grand Canyon attraction: ...Tuesday's VIP opening of the highly anticipated Skywalk...The goal: to attract more tourists to boost the economy of the impoverished Hualapai tribe. -- Mark Johnson/MRJ Architects [slide show]- Arizona Republic |
Tourist Skywalk not so grand: ...being touted as an engineering marvel, but we're among those who are suspicious that the contraption will stand the test of time. -- Mark Johnson/MRJ Architects- Denver Post |
Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2007 Design by Olafur Eliasson and Kjetil Thorsen/Snøhetta, with Arup- Londonlaunch (UK) |
Martha Schwartz: Landscapes of Awareness- Archinect |
Seidler keeps making his mark: ...has spawned a local stylistic genre bigger than the man.- The Australian |
Call for papers: Nexus 2008 conference for architecture and mathematics, San Diego June '08; deadline for abstracts: March 30- Nexus Network Journal |
Book review: Behind the Intensity Of Louis Kahn: "Louis I. Kahn" by Carter Wiseman...a balanced and penetrating study of Kahn both as an architect and as a man. By James Gardner- New York Sun |
Book review: More than merely 'regional': "NorCalMod"by Pierluigi Serraino seeks to give the Bay Area's modern architects their rightful place in the movement's pantheon -- Donald Olsen; Beverley "David" Thorne; Mario Corbett; Harwell Hamilton Harris- San Francisco Chronicle |
Sacred Simplicity: Park East Synagogue, Pepper Pike, Ohio: Age-old materials and a straightforward design fulfill a growing congregation's vision of a sacred place. -- Centerbrook Architects and Planners [images]- ArchNewsNow |

-- Mecanoo architects: La Llotja Theatre and Congress Center, Lleida, Spain -- Michael Maltzan Architecture: Rainbow Apartments, Skid Row Housing, Los Angeles |
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