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Today's News - March 12, 2007
ArcSpace brings us Gehry's digital visions on view in Copenhagen. -- Czech Chamber of Architects call winning Czech National Library design into question; the jury and UIA disagree. -- We may not make it all the way to "zero waste," but it's worth trying for. -- Environmentalists and farmers face off about new construction in Florida. -- Not all are pleased with a Dutch "Disneyland with asphalt streets" invading Sumava nature reserve. -- Cities need to simultaneously channel Jane Jacobs and Robert Moses to get things done, says Kamin. -- Hawthorne wonders if a wireless L.A. "could prove to be a disconnect, leaving the poor and public spirit behind." -- Green building momentum slowest on the home-building front. -- But green plans sprout for luxury home development (of "mini-mansions") in Utah. -- British conservation groups hail national register to protect historic sites - but how/who is going to be paid for it? -- Campbell revisits Stata Center: it "remains an amazing and, on the whole, excitingly successful place." -- New plan for LACMA's new entrance (why waste all that fresh air?). -- Adrian Smith muses on Burj Dubai, Trump Tower Chicago, his new firm, sustainable architecture, and why he left SOM. -- The man behind Burj Al Alam. -- Goldberger on the Big Dig House and Single Speed Design's singular strategy "to devote most of their time to entering architectural competitions around the world." -- Call for entries: the "X Prize of architecture" - $250,000 Open Architecture Prize. -- The British Construction Industry Awards and the Prime Minister's Better Public Building Award. -- AIA awards Latrobe Prize and 19 Housing Awards. -- Take a 3-D virtual trip through the Brandenburg Gate.
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Exhibition: "DIGITAL PROJECT: Frank Gehry’s Vision," Danish Architecture Centre, Copenhagen |
Winning Czech National Library design not against tender rules, says jury: Czech Chamber of Architects (CKA) complained on Wednesday that the Future Systems project violated the rules... -- Jan Kaplicky- Prague Daily Monitor |
A world without waste: The 'zero waste' movement imagines a future where everything is a renewable resource. Sound impossible? From New Zealand to New England, it's already changing the way governments and companies do business.- Boston Globe |
Holding the Line on New Development: The future of the Urban Development Boundary is up for grabs in Miami-Dade County as farmers and environmentalists face off about new construction. By Fred A. Bernstein- New York Times |
Development threatens to invade Sumava nature reserve, environment minister shocked..."The architecture's level is poor, a Disneyland with asphalt streets, lamps and stuffed with houses..."- Prague Daily Monitor |
How 2 urban strongmen got things done: The broad lesson is that today's cities simultaneously need the approach of Jane Jacobs and Robert Moses - a sound judgment based on the beneficent effects of Daley's reign in Chicago. By Blair Kamin- Chicago Tribune |
A wireless L.A., but with strings attached: Blanketing the city in Wi-Fi could prove to be a disconnect, leaving the poor and public spirit behind...What would a wireless Los Angeles look like? By Christopher Hawthorne- Los Angeles Times |
Residential Green Building Slow to Gain Momentum: The major homebuilders, who account for 80% of all homebuilding activity in the nation, face a unique challenge in implementing green building on a widespread scale. -- HOK; Mazria/Architecture 2030 [links]- Environmental News Network (ENN) |
Upscale subdivision plan: 'Green' homes to create own power...a statement about architecture, environment and the future...Emigration Canyon that will include seven "zero-emission" homes... -- Bill Arthur [image]- Salt Lake Tribune (Utah) |
Jewels in the crown to be protected. But who will pay heritage price? A national register is to be created to protect England's precious historic sites...Conservation groups cautiously welcomed the white paper, but were quick to warn more money will be needed to make it work.- Guardian (UK) |
The state of Stata: Now three years old, the inventive MIT building is meeting many of the goals that were set for it. By Robert Campbell -- Frank Gehry- Boston Globe |
LACMA director changes plan for new entrance: Citing the city's fine weather, director Michael Govan opts for an open-air design instead of a 'glass box.' -- Renzo Piano- Los Angeles Times |
Interview: Adrian Smith on Burj Dubai, Trump Tower Chicago, his new firm Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture, sustainable architecture, and why he left Skidmore, Owings & Merrill after almost 40 years. By Edward Lifson- Chicago Public Radio |
Making his mark on the world: ...Burj Al Alam in Dubai will be second only to China’s Taipei 101... And it’s a Malaysian architect who is building this landmark tower... -- Teo Ah Khing/TAK Design Consultants- The Star (Malaysia) |
Salvage Artists: A new home from old roads: Big Dig House...One of the more improbable pieces of serious architecture in the United States...Such work has brought Single Speed Design to the brink of real commercial success, but recently Hong and Park have decided that this won’t do. By Paul Goldberger- New Yorker |
Win a Prize: Build a Tech Lab: Ready for the X Prize of architecture? $250,000 Open Architecture Prize will get under way this summer, in partnership with tech company AMD's 50x15 initiative, which has the stated goal of connecting 50 percent of the world to the internet by 2015. -- Architecture for Humanity [links]- Wired |
Call for entries: 2007 British Construction Industry Awards and the Prime Minister’s Better Public Building Award; deadline: April 19- British Construction Industry Awards (BCIA) |
AIA College of Fellows Awards 2007 Latrobe Prize [$100,000] for “On the Water, A Model for the Future: A Study of New York and New Jersey Upper Bay” research project -- Guy Nordenson; Stan Allan/Catherine Seavitt, AIA/James Smith/Princeton University; Michael Tantala/Tantala Associates; Adam Yarinsky/Stephen Cassell/Architecture Research Office- American Institute of Architects (AIA) |
AIA Announces 19 Recipients of the 2007 Housing Awards- American Institute of Architects (AIA) |
Click Your Way through the Brandenburg Gate: As though one Berlin were not enough. A virtual 3D tour of the German capital at Google Earth is the first of its kind. [slide show, links]- Der Spiegel (Germany) |
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