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Today's News - March 9, 2007
Toronto picks "elegant" design for Nathan Phillips Square. -- Lots of ideas for Philadelphia's waterfront; now, just add politicians inspiring civic vision and stir. -- There's "deep nostalgia for the lost flower-power Sydney" as the city hires Gehl (again) to tell it what it already knows. -- Global warming is changing the sports world with "surprising and innovative ideas." -- Inside San Francisco's Federal Building: a "unique combination of crackpot environmentalism and elaborate ugliness" (ouch!). -- For Glancey, the new Wembley Stadium is "a Colosseum for our times" - and worth the wait. -- Gehry gets to finish the Weisman Art Museum. -- A new condo building that matches the "cultural vibrancy" of Toronto's Little Italy. -- Musings on Prague's colorful "octopus" of a library. -- Towering plans to remake London's East Croydon station. -- London goes electronic with eTendering for Olympic bids. -- Architecture for Humanity's Open Architecture Network launches beta site. -- Construction trends: "Hold on to your (hard) hats lads, the women are coming." -- ThermaSteel construction is ready for its close-up. -- "Leave no child inside": a growing movement to reconnect children to the natural world. -- A new book looks at new libraries, from a "crystal speedboat" to a big "red enchilada." ----- EDITOR'S NOTE: Clocks in the U.S. spring ahead one hour this weekend (3 weeks early -- a mini-Y2K for Blackberries everywhere?).
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The city's new heart: Elegant, treed design chosen for remake...Toronto has an elegant new design to rejuvenate Nathan Phillips Square. -- Plant Architect; Shore Tilbe Irwin & Partners;; Peter Lindsay Schaudt Landscape Architecture; Adrian Blackwell [image, links]- Toronto Star |
Ideas aplenty - just add politicians and stir: If there's one thing Philadelphia's next mayor could use, it's an inspiring civic vision. Here's one, ready-made. By Inga Saffron -- Penn Praxis; Richard Meyer; Peter Latz- Philadelphia Inquirer |
Sentiment for the fleet of foot is sweet, but the response is pedestrian: Jan Gehl...has been appointed...to tell the city what it already knows: ...that every pedestrian-unfriendly gesture...probably hurts the city economy. By Elizabeth Farrelly- Sydney Morning Herald |
Going, Going Green: As global warming changes the planet, it is changing the sports world. To counter the looming environmental crisis, surprising and innovative ideas are already helping sports adapt -- SmithGroup [images]- Sports Illustrated |
It's Not Pretty Being Green: Inside San Francisco's environmental-friendly Federal Building: ...A unique combination of crackpot environmentalism and elaborate ugliness, the Federal Building will finally opens its doors (or flaps, or airlocks, or orifices, or something) later this month and it will boast a number of odd design "features." -- Thom Mayne/Morphosis- The Daily Standard |
We think it's all over ... The new Wembley has been worth the wait, and stands now as a Colosseum for our times...90,000-seat, £800m modern marvel...The ticket-holding public will be treated well by this building... By Jonathan Glancey. -- Foster and Partners; HOK Sport- Guardian (UK) |
A twist in the tinfoil - Gehry doing Weisman addition: ...Frank Gehry says he always thought the Weisman Art Museum was "incomplete." Now, he will finish it...the chance to fulfill a dream by expanding the first art museum he designed in the United States.- Minneapolis Star Tribune |
Quadrangle Architects' N-Blox will bring an architectural energy to College Street that will match its cultural vibrancy...draws on that tradition of playful, sensuous geometry. And it does so with a mindful attitude... By John Bentley Mays [image]- Globe and Mail (Canada) |
Op-Ed: What colour is the octopus? It is obvious that Prague needs brave new architecture. But does it have to be green, or yellow, or whatever that is? I think that all the projects Kaplický has or has not carried out so far are better looking and more successful than the one he is offering to Prague. -- Future Systems [image]- Prague Daily Monitor |
Landmark tower scheme would revamp East Croydon station: Four towers of varying height are proposed providing between them more than one million sq ft of offices, shops and homes. -- Ken Shuttleworth/ MAKE architects- icSouthLondon (UK) |
London’s ‘hi-tech’ tendering aims for Olympic transparency: Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) launched an online electronic tendering package [eTendering] to help companies compete for up to 2000 contracts pertaining to the London 2012 Olympic Games. [links]- CIOB (Chartered Institute of Building) |
Framing Open Source Architecture: Architecture for Humanity is convincing the building industry to share -- be it blueprints, engineering specs or construction tips -- through its latest project, the Open Architecture Network. [links]- Wired News |
Open Architecture Network beta site: ...online, open source community dedicated to improving living conditions through innovative and sustainable design.- Open Architecture Network |
A Woman's Place? Is the traditionally male world of construction really ready for Babs the Builder? ...hold on to your (hard) hats lads, the women are coming.- Northern Housing (UK) |
Man of steel: Alan Scouten touts new technology: ...ShelterUS...built a half-dozen ThermaSteel houses...homeless shelters called "shebangs," and he's at work on emergency shelters that can be transported by helicopter and unfolded and snapped together.- The Hook (Virginia) |
Leave No Child Inside: The movement to reconnect children to the natural world has arisen quickly, spontaneously, and across the usual social, political, and economic dividing lines...The future of children in nature has profound implications not only for the conservation of land but also for the direction of the environmental movement.- Orion magazine |
Book review: The Alexandria of the South? ...it’s a measure of Nashville’s recent civic ambition that the city’s main library...is a featured player in Shannon Mattern’s new study, "Designing With Communities: The New Downtown Library" which concentrates on libraries constructed since the early 1990s. -- Robert A.M. Stern- Nashville Scene |
Urban Oasis: Gardner 1050: Simple forms and refined materials add high style to a speculative urban infill housing project. -- Lorcan O'Herlihy Architects (LOHA)- ArchNewsNow |

-- Alvar Aalto: North Jutland Art Museum, Ålborg, Denmark -- Santiago Calatrava: Three Bridges over the Hoofdvaart, Haarlemmermeer, the Netherlands |
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