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Today's News - March 8, 2007
New report out on just how much 1987 Montreal Protocol has bought more time for dealing with climate change. -- A Georgia county buys into the 2030 Challenge. -- MIT working on a home you grow on your own. -- Is U.K.'s "craze for mini Manhattans" a sign of confidence or inadequacy? -- Dublin's two-tower "maritime gateway seems to be sailing along. -- Will new U.K. Supreme Court "emerge, like a £30m butterfly" or is it "unnecessary and unwanted?" -- Why "City Hall may be the most detested addition to Dublin." -- Pelli's "incandescent design" for latest addition to Qatar Foundation's Education City. -- Will new downtown Minneapolis stadium sparkle? -- Urban malls are back as "a sort of cleaned-up urbanism." -- A dream home for a maker of doll houses. - Call for entries: Housing for the XXI Century. -- On View: Aalto's "quiet humanity" at the Barbican. -- Mapping out the stories of a shrinking city in Detroit.
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Montreal Protocol slowing warming: 1987 pact focused on ozone layer...Just how much it has helped has been calculated by a team of scientists in the Netherlands and the United States ...implementation...has bought more time for dealing with climate change.- Globe and Mail (Canada) |
Architect: New building standards can lower emissions: The Fulton County Commission voted Wednesday to adopt Edward Mazria’s 2030 Challenge. [Atlanta] Mayor Shirley Franklin joined other mayors and adopted it last summer.- Daily Report (Georgia) |
Grow your own home: 'Fab tree hab': Abode sprouts from a few seeds, is good for the planet...future habitat construction will require a green thumb and some time rather than skills with a saw or a hammer. -- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) [image]- Vancouver Sun |
Thrusting ambition: From Birmingham to Belfast, the UK's regional centres are striving to get on the map by building tall. But does this craze for mini Manhattans speak of a growing regional confidence or a 'mine's bigger than yours' sense of inadequacy? -- Ian Simpson; Simon Jenkins [images, links]- BBC News |
2 planned towers tell of the new Dublin and Ireland -- Burdon Craig Dunne Henry (BDCH); Martha Schwartz; Calatrava- International Herald Tribune |
Grand designs: As building contractors prepare to start work on the UK's first Supreme Court, arguments about its purpose are giving way to a row about its design. -- Feilden and Mawson [slside show]- BBC News |
Peculiar? Eccentric? why City Hall's new neighbour is all wrong: The new building in Dame Street beside City Hall may be the most detested addition to Dublin. By Frank McDonald -- David Mackay/MBM Arquitectes- Irish Times |
A milestone in the making: Qatar Foundation’s Education City, Sidra Medical and Research Center...based on the North American model...combines cutting-edge technology with an incandescent design that both reflects and celebrates the sky... -- Cesar Pelli; Ellerbe Becket [image]- Gulf Times (Qatar) |
Will the downtown diamond sparkle? If the deal goes through to buy land for a new Minneapolis baseball stadium...Twins fans will still have a lot of questions about the park's size and shape. -- HOK; HGA [slide show]- Minnesota Public Radio |
The secrets of indoor shopping: The mall is back in town. No longer relegated to the suburbs, it is setting up shop again in our urban centres...Indoor shopping centres seem to fit the bill because they offer the attractions of city life without its discomforts - a sort of cleaned-up urbanism minus the rain, traffic fumes and hassle.- New Statesman (UK) |
Valley of the Dolls: Hudson Architects' "Light House" in Derbyshire. You have to smile: to win a commission to design a home for a maker of dolls' houses is almost too perfect. By Hugh Pearman [images]- HughPearman.com (UK) |
Call for entries: Housing for the XXI Century; registration deadline: July 10- eVolo Architecture |
Architect Aalto's Personal Paradise Inspires at London Barbican: The way his architecture utilizes flexible elements that can be standardized was very forward looking. But it is the quiet humanity of his ideas that is inspiring...He put people first and shaped his idea of paradise around them. -- Shigeru Ban'- Bloomberg News |
The dissolution of Detroit: Mapping out the stories of a shrinking city: "Shrinking Cities" and "Imprint of Place" at at Cranbrook Art Museum and MOCAD- Metro Times (Detroit) |
Urban Oasis: Gardner 1050: Simple forms and refined materials add high style to a speculative urban infill housing project. -- Lorcan O'Herlihy Architects (LOHA)- ArchNewsNow |

-- Alvar Aalto: North Jutland Art Museum, Ålborg, Denmark -- Santiago Calatrava: Three Bridges over the Hoofdvaart, Haarlemmermeer, the Netherlands |
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