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Today's News - March 5, 2007
ArcSpace brings us Aalto in Ålborg and three Calatrava bridges over the Hoofdvaart. -- Duany's take on rebuilding New Orleans. -- Katrina is a call for better disaster planning everywhere. -- In south London, a regeneration project for one of Europe's largest housing estates. -- Kamin likes Jahn's SRO, but only time will tell if it's "simply a snappy shell or the real deal: humanistic modernism." -- Hume sees Abu Dhabi's architectural antics as an effort to build a sustainable economy before the oil runs out. -- Jerusalem says no to the Safdie Plan. -- Just in time, MIT launches a competition for visionary ideas for the city's future. -- Ouroussoff on architecture's new defensive posture, and Mayne talks post-9/11 design. -- Russell finds Mayne's San Francisco Federal Building "a welcome jolt to a once-charming skyline" that's been "pummeled to dumpiness." -- Two takes on Koolhaas's "hanging tower" in Jersey City. -- Brits win competition to design Czech National Library in Prague. -- High hopes for future of early Gehry mall in Santa Monica. -- His new hotel in Spain is "a marvelous creature" (we chose mostly for the slide show). -- Glancey picks his favorite "weird and wonderful" buildings. -- Johnson's Fort Worth Water Gardens reopens (a lot safer this time). -- Up for review, Taliesin school hopes to keep accreditation.
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-- Alvar Aalto: North Jutland Art Museum, Ålborg, Denmark -- Santiago Calatrava: Three Bridges over the Hoofdvaart, Haarlemmermeer, the Netherlands |
Restoring the Real New Orleans: How do we save the Crescent City? Re-create the unique building culture that spawned it. By Andrés Duany- Metropolis Magazine |
Katrina Flooding Caused by History, Politics and Engineering...according to Cornell expert Thomas O'Rourke, who calls for better disaster planning everywhere.- Newswise |
Aylesbury Estate housing regeneration project moves closer...one of the biggest housing estates in Europe...new neighbourhood for London replacing the 1960s built blocks. -- Urban Initiatives: Maccreanor Lavington; Alford Hall Monaghan Morris; Glenn Howells Architects; Hawkins Brown Architects; Burrell Foley Fischer; de Rijke Marsh Morgan (dRMM); Patel Taylor- 24dash.com (UK) |
It's lively, but is it livable? The sleek new Helmut Jahn-designed apartments have energy-saving and other 'green' features. But will the building meet the needs of its residents? ...We'll know down the road whether Near North Apartments are simply a snappy shell or the real deal: humanistic modernism. By Blair Kamin- Chicago Tribune |
Abu Dhabi ups the architectural ante: ...Saadiyat Island...The motivation for the project is the fact that...oil reserves will run out some time around 2046. This means it has roughly 40 years to build the foundation of a sustainable economy before that day dawns. By Christopher Hume -- Gehry; Hadid; Nouvel; Ando- Toronto Star |
After Safdie: National Planning Council...overwhelmingly rejected the Western Jerusalem Plan, commonly known as the Safdie Plan, which called for building 20,000 housing units on 24,000 dunams in the hills west of Jerusalem...opposed by the largest coalition of activists ever assembled in the city- Jerusalem Post |
Call for entries: Jerusalem 2050 Just Jerusalem Competition: visionary ideas for the city as it might be in the future; deadline: December 31- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) |
Medieval Modern: Design Strikes a Defensive Posture: ...Our streets may be prettier, but the prettiness is camouflage for the budding reality of a society ruled by fear. By Nicolai Ouroussoff -- Maya Lin; Mayne/Morphosis; Childs/Skidmore, Owings & Merrill; Rogers Marvel Architects [images, audio]- New York Times |
Mayne's Federal Building Blends Brute Energy, "Green" Design: ...a welcome jolt to a once-charming skyline that decades of knee-jerk populism have pummeled to dumpiness. By James S. Russell -- Morphosis- Bloomberg News |
The Hanging Tower of Jersey City: ...design for a new tower to anchor this city’s arts district emerged last week as, well, kind of wild. -- Rem Koolhaas/Shoei Shigematsu/Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA) [image]- New York Times |
Jersey City hopes image will rise with proposed Koolhaas tower: ...trying to use architecture to upgrade its image..."We will now have a building that people will come just to see" (AP)- New York Newsday |
Jan Kaplicky's British studio to build new Czech National Library in Prague: ...selected by the jury in an international contest from almost 400 proposals today. -- Future Systems- CeskéNoviny.cz |
Hopes high for low-profile mall: A developer seeks to give Santa Monica Place an open-air redesign. It drops high-rise plans...would update the shopping center, which opened in 1980 and was an early project of architect Frank O. Gehry.- Los Angeles Times |
Gehry's first hotel sparkles in Rioja Alavesa: ...Marqués de Riscal...'A marvelous creature' [ slide show]- Los Angeles Times |
Give us a swirl: Is there such a thing as a surrealist building? Of course - although it may not keep the rain out. Jonathan Glancey lists his favourite weird and wonderful designs -- Frank Gehry; Ferdinand Cheval; Erich Mendelsohn; Frederick Kiesler; Dalí; Edward James; Gaudí; David Connor; Enric Miralles- Guardian (UK) |
Rebuilding effort: After a $3.2 million makeover, the Fort Worth Water Gardens reopens with new safety measures to try to dispel the pain of 2004 -- Philip Johnson [images]- Star-Telegram (Dallas/Ft. Worth) |
Taliesin school set for review: Wright institute hopes to keep accreditation- Arizona Republic |
Urban Oasis: Gardner 1050: Simple forms and refined materials add high style to a speculative urban infill housing project. -- Lorcan O'Herlihy Architects (LOHA)- ArchNewsNow |
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