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Today's News - March 2, 2007
In case you missed it live last week, catch the 2010 Imperative Global Teach In web cast. -- Hamburg's big plans for its old harbor (they're looking for architects, too). -- Colossal plans for Liverpool's derelict Central Docks: "a Manhattan-style mini-city of skyscrapers" (images to be released next week -- maybe even name of architect(s)?). -- The next big thing in New Urbanism: a place for McMansions(?). -- A walkability study finds one "key is to have somewhere to walk to and to have an environment that isn't horrible." -- Saffron fears Philly convention center expansion could be "the creature that eats Center City." -- After giving up Rapson's Guthrie, Minneapolis vows to save his library. -- Herzog just a bit cantankerous, but it looks like H&deM luck in the U.K. is changing for the better. -- A Toronto firm is "feeding China's thirst for something fresh." -- An amusing review of RIBA's Valentine's Day speed-dating fest. -- A video tour of Sydney's ugly buildings.
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2010 Imperative Global Teach In Webcast: Global Warming, Climate Change, and the Built Environment -- Edward Mazria/Architecture 2030; Chris Luebkeman/Arup; Susan Szenasy/Metropolis; Dr. James Hansen/NASA Goddard Institute- 2010 Imperative |
Hamburg Builds Its Better Half: It's the largest development project in Europe. But as Hamburg seeks to reclaim its old harbor by building a brand new HafenCity [Harbor City], has it bitten off more than it can chew? ...will be an architectural smorgasbord with few equals. -- Rem Koolhaas; Massimiliano Fuksas; Herzog & de Meuron [slide show]- Der Spiegel (Germany) |
£5.5bn plan to transform city docks: Liverpool's derelict Central Docks are to be transformed with a Manhattan-style mini-city of skyscrapers...- icLiverpool (UK) |
Project takes next step in New Urbanism: The Myers Park of Huntersville - Mixed use and bigger homes can work together...some of the nearly 250 single-family homes under construction or planned in the next two phases will exceed 4,000 square feet... -- Duany Plater-Zyberk [slide show, video]- Charlotte Observer |
Walkability Study Details Portland, San Francisco Bay Area Habits: Got a train to catch? The walk to the nearest stop has been put under scientific scrutiny, looking at distances involved and the environment along the way.- Newswise |
Growth great for conventions, grave for the city: As the enormous scale of this project starts to sink in, you can't help wonder: Will this be the creature that eats Center City?...Philadelphia's previous great hope for Broad Street was dashed before by a flawed design. It can happen again. By Inga Saffron -- Thompson, Ventulett, Stainback- Philadelphia Inquirer |
Minneapolis Vows To Protect (1964) Rapson Library: The Guthrie demolition was a wake-up call for the state... [image]- Preservation magazine |
"But Zaha is in there – is that because she’s British?": The founding partners of Herzog & de Meuron may not have made Building’s Hall of Fame but with a RIBA gold medal and two major projects their luck is changing in the UK- Building (UK) |
Feeding China's thirst for something fresh: Toronto architects Bregman + Hamann eschew the small and cautious: ...China can be the fantastic pot of business opportunities at the end of the rainbow. By John Bentley Mays- Globe and Mail (Canada) |
They love me. they love me not. they love me ...: The RIBA went all out in Valentine’s week to give fledgling architecture practices a chance to seduce Olympic decision-makers...the speed-dating spectacular and...romance isn’t dead -- HOK Sport; Allies & Morrison; Hakes Associates; Landolt and Brown; Alison Brooks Architects; Softroom; Mangera Yvars; The Facility- Building (UK) |
Sydney's ugly buildings: Paul Keating believes many new buildings in Sydney are making the city ugly. Shannon Jones reports many people agree, and the UTS tower has been voted the worst... [video]- Sydney Morning Herald |
Urban Oasis: Gardner 1050: Simple forms and refined materials add high style to a speculative urban infill housing project. -- Lorcan O'Herlihy Architects (LOHA)- ArchNewsNow |

Herzog & de Meuron: Forum, Barcelona, Spain |
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