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Today's News - December 15, 2006

An insightful/inspiring/frightful NPR series on China's massive urbanization. -- Debunking the Smart Growth/New Urbanist "solution to the terror of suburbia." -- New Orleans update: Community Congress II was "a stunning and historic sight." -- Could Libeskind "the horse to beat" in the Gulf Coast's "Reinventing the Crescent" (at least his wardrobe "was eye-catchingly alien." -- Boddy calls for Vancouver to harness "the power of shame" to create "housing the homeless and affordability for the rest of us." -- Malaysia's sci-fi i-City in the making. -- A shortlist of four in Baltimore. -- "Un Tramway Nommé Désir": streetcars make a comeback in Paris. -- Grand Canyon Skywalk not quite ready for its close-up. -- Canadian Architect magazine names 2006 Awards of Excellence winners. -- Call for nominations: 2007 America's 11 Most Endangered Historic Places. -- Weekend diversions: Cooper-Hewitt's National Design Triennial covers a lot, but "never gets around to tackling the weightier questions." -- "Young Chicago" makes a good point, but still feels disconnected. -- "The Architect" flick "a thoughtful drama" but "perhaps urban-planning solutions are too much to expect from a Friday night at the movies."

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