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Today's News - October 31, 2006

An economist pays tribute to his architect-father who taught him to "balance my economist's tendency to put too much confidence in theory and statistics." -- A blizzard of green stories about how to be nice to the Earth and the bottom line. -- As Scotland plans its first new town in 50 years, it has the chance to finally get it right. -- U.S. government agencies not walking the talk when it comes to sprawl. -- Farrelly reviews (and agrees with) former Australian prime minister's rant about "the shoddiness of NSW planning...the rapaciousness of its developers, the shabbiness of its architecture and...the mediocrity of modernism." -- A Denver architect bemoans misleading hyperbole about Holl courthouse project. -- While Nashville could use some eye-catching architecture, there are some positive signs of change. -- Eschewing "nicey nicey architects" for "stellar weirdos," Maggie's Centres have become "Britain's bravest architectural patron." -- Modular homes with architectural panache find a place in New Orleans (not without challenges). -- Q&A with landscape architect Janet Rosenberg: "We need these urban oases." -- An underwater Atlantis in Manila. -- Beirut Gate project takes its first step. -- After 20 years of fighting for Madison Ave. expansion (and finally winning), it looks more and more like the Whitney is looking elsewhere. -- The spy-proof embassies in Washington, DC, and Beijing. -- Dallas restaurants getting the starchitect treatment. -- A Chicago architect is his own guinea pig. -- Trump gives Kamin a harrumph. -- It's Architecture Day all next week in Miami. ----- Happy Halloween!!!

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