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Today's News - October 13, 2006

Calgary's billion-dollar skyscraper will be Foster green. -- Rothschild hires Rem for new London HQ. -- Saffron goes to Denver to find Libeskind is at his master planning best (though he falls short as museum designer). -- Museum addition is exciting and exasperating for curators. -- A Toronto symposium will explore the future of tall buildings in the city: "Are we building vibrant places, or high-rise ghettos?" -- Big plans and new life for old Memphis brewery (dog walk included). -- Children's hospitals in Denver and Chicago share ZGF DNA. -- Ambitious plans for Brown University. -- Jakarta towers and runway models: both are nice to look at but expensive to maintain. -- Art and architecture education converge in collaborations. -- A winning master plan for post-Katrina Mississippi town. -- Winning student designs for Penn Center. -- Weekend diversions: the zero-yen house in Vancouver. -- Two more takes on "The Architecture of Happiness." ----- Happy Friday the 13th!

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