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Today's News - October 11, 2006
Dust clouds of blame and disappointment still swirling around Denver. -- Even pessimists are drawing optimism from Suisman's vision of Palestinian Arc. -- How realistic are Chicago's Olympic dreams of gold? (or any city, for that matter) -- IDEO messes with the DNA of the typical "lumbering" planning process - and some are willing to give the idea a shot. -- Harvard messes with its Aalto masterpiece: "Nothing is gone except, well, everything." -- Victoria, Canada, considers landmarking some of its modernist masterpieces. -- The Deconstructivist style defanged as just "option in the pattern book of contemporary architecture." -- Piano's New York Times building is a rare and welcome example of "unstrained symbolism." -- Kansas City finally breaks ground on its 11-year dream. -- Libeskind designs large in Denmark. -- An architect who melds imagination with common sense. -- A radical solution to solving Stonehenge woes: do nothing. -- The future of green healthcare design. -- Deadline looms for Rome Prize 2007. -- MIT's City Car closer to rolling in reality. -- Rock star sings to help build Viñoly-designed arts school in Colombia.
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Architect's stinging exit: Whose fault? Was it a failure on the part of the city or the architect? Piecing together... the history of the doomed collaboration reveals a clash of personalities...everyone seems to agree on one thing: The collapse of the contract with Holl is a crushing disappointment. By Diane Carman- Denver Post |
Questions beset Justice Center: Steven Holl denies he was designing a building that would be $34 million over budget. Some fear it may now be just a "big rectangular box." -- klipp- Denver Post |
Architect blames city's team: Holl says attempts to reach mayor on court project were 'blocked'...said his design was not $30 million over budget, as city officials have said, but closer to $4 million. By Mary Voelz Chandler- Rocky Mountain News (Denver) |
An Arc to Save Palestinians: An urban planner came up with a concrete design to make postwar Palestine work. Politics got in the way. But the blueprint has a life of its own -- Doug Suisman- BusinessWeek |
What would Olympics really bring Chicago? Backers see gold in the games, but to Crain's, it looks more like bronze: a $5-billion impact...sports economist Allen Sanderson, who believes most cities see a net loss after luring the Olympics. "If Chicago...were lucky, the economic impact would be zero"- Crain's Chicago |
IDEO’s Urban Pre-Planning: Can its “Smart Space” practice shake up the lumbering world of infrastructure, zoning, and public process? ...messing with the DNA of the planning process...Some leading planners are willing to give it a shot. By Andrew Blum- Metropolis Magazine |
Harvard messes with a masterpiece: The university's renovation of the Woodberry Poetry Room goes awry...Harvard has carefully preserved a lot of what was here before. Nothing is gone except, well, everything. By Robert Campbell -- Alvar Aalto (1949); David Fixler/Einhorn Yaffee Prescott- Boston Globe |
A closer look at our modern face: 8 buildings from postwar architectural movement [1945-1975] ...proposed for the city's heritage registry, marking the first time Victoria has looked at modern architecture in its heritage planning. -- Frank Musson; Sharp and Thompson, Berwick, Pratt; Henry Holdsby Simmonds; John Di Castri; William F. Gardiner; Wade, Stockdill, Armour and Partners [slide show]- Victoria Times Colonist (Canada) |
Two Old Hands Veer Toward the Modern: ...proof...that the Deconstructivist style, whatever its revolutionary goals were or pretended to be, has now been defanged to the point of being one more option in the pattern book of contemporary architecture. By James Gardner -- Raimund Abraham; Karl Fischer; Costas Kondylis and Partners- New York Sun |
Good Times: By resisting easy temptations Renzo Piano has accomplished something rare: unstrained symbolism. By Philip Nobel -- FXFowle Architects- Metropolis Magazine |
Shovel turns 11-year dream into a reality: Groundbreaking of Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts -- Moshe Safdie; Nagata Acoustics...- Kansas City Star |
Denmark’s largest hotel to be built in Ørestad with Daniel Libeskind as the architect- Copenhagen Capacity |
Visionary architect fuses imagination, common sense: ...someone who experiments with materials and structural forms, but also takes pride in crafting something that looks as good in real life as it does in a computer. By John King -- Jeanne Gang [images]- San Francisco Chronicle |
Radical solution proposed for Stonehenge: After over 20 years of argument and countless millions spent on consultants and planning inquiries over the state of Stonehenge, a leading expert proposed a radical solution: do nothing.- Guardian (UK) |
Designing the 21st Century Hospital: Environmental Leadership for Healthier Patients, Facilities, & Communities [links to webcast and white papers]- Center for Health Design |
Call for applications: Rome Prize 2007 in Architecture; Design; Urban Planning; Historic Preservation and Conservation; Landscape Architecture; etc. deadline: November 1- American Academy in Rome |
Reinventing the wheel: MIT's stackable concept car aims to change our relationship with the car in the city...stackable, two-seater cars forming a city-wide car share scheme. -- William Mitchell; Frank Gehry [images]- CNN |
Shakira to build school with proceeds from hometown concert in Colombia: ...arts school for 1,800 children...designed by Uruguayan architect Rafael Viñoly- International Herald Tribune |
North Carolina Museum of Art Expansion: Skylights and garden galleries create a firmly grounded museum expansion that sits softly on the land. -- homas Phifer and Partners; Peter Walker and Partners [images]- ArchNewsNow |

Studio Daniel Libeskind with Davis Partnership: Frederic C. Hamilton Building, Denver Art Museum; photographed by John Boak/Cubistro |
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