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Today's News - August 21, 2006

ArcSpace brings us Libeskind in Copenhagen and more. -- Goldberger takes on Libeskind's mile-high adventures in Denver. -- Sudjic offers eloquent reflections on global architecture - and Britain's renaissance - in his last regular column (before heading to London's Design Museum). -- With climate change on the horizon, Glancey wonders why it's almost "always a lovely day in Architecture World." -- In Toronto, the problem isn't demolition, but the city tearing down the wrong buildings. -- Is re-enlisting Utzon to refine his opera house a good idea? -- Deifying Wright: critics and scholars in heated debate about expanding iconic churches. -- Toronto's "Great Waterfront Experiment" "was transformative" (except for drivers who couldn't cope, "poor dears"). -- Pelli's grand public plaza for the O.C. Performing Arts Center (but will the public come, some wonder). -- Manila gets a new Chinatown ("more convenient" and "well organized" - should we really cheer?). -- Green gains steam in Wichita. -- Tufts opens green dorm doors. -- Spear takes on landscape mantle. - In Sydney, "the AAA will redeem you and put you on the path to architectural righteousness." -- A look at the winners of "A House for An Ecologist" competition. -- Move over, Chicago's "bean," Kapoor is polishing "Sky Mirror" for NYC debut.

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