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Today's News - August 14, 2006

The buzz from east and west coasts is all about green Chicago. -- Dunster takes his Zed rating to China. -- The world's fastest growing city (in China, of course) has a spot that's forever England, mock castle included (the windmill was cancelled). -- The Boston architect who's also become a master power broker (in China, of course), but is he promoting preservation or pastiche? -- Big project in Dubai with a decidedly British accent. -- New Urbanism and TND's become policy in Florida county (just how high do those porches have to be?). -- Paris wants to rebuild the Tuileries Palace. -- At last, good news for Kahn's Trenton Bath House. -- Kansas City decides some Modern is worth saving. -- Saffron in Stuttgart: Mercedes-Benz Museum is stunning - and subversive (in a good way). -- New developer vows Calatrava's Chicago tower will be built. -- King has high hopes that a huge urban project in San Francisco can overcome overstuffed politics (and value engineering) "to be an energetic, counterintuitive triumph." -- A building as triumph or turkey - it's all in the details. -- Students walk (or rather wheel) the talk to learn how to design for everyone. -- Another glitch for Flight 93 memorial? -- Deadline looms for affordable housing competition.

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